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Mostrando postagens com marcador 10 tips. Mostrar todas as postagens

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

10 tips to learn English

I've been posted here 10 tips to learn English, as you can see, there is no mystery, for those love English as a Second Language. Day in, day out I'm here to give support on my blog, daily updating, useful podcasts and website links that provides a self-studying. 

Keep in your mind, how much you dedicate, how much fluent you got it, visit this website and check it out more different tips to learn English 

The following tips are designed to help you learn English as a second language. It is not easy learning a second language, but with dedication and a passion to learn you will be fluent in English in no time!

Tip 1 – Get A Good Dictionary

If you are a beginner, you may want to start off with a bilingual dictionary. Bilingual dictionaries are useful for comparing certain words to your own language. Remember though, when using a bilingual dictionary, it isn’t just about translating the word. It is also about understanding what type of word you are comparing: verb, noun, how it’s pronounced and so on.

Once you are past the beginner stage of learning English as a second language, throw that bilingual dictionary away (or give it to a friend who is a beginner) and get yourself a dictionary that is English-English.

Tip 2 – Making Time For Learning

30 minutes per day, for 5 days a week is a good study routine. This allows you to study most days of the week, and also gives you a break from learning. Taking time to study English is very important; if you don’t study, you won’t become fluent in the language.

Tip 3 – Show Interest

If you are not interested in learning English as a second language, chances are you are not going to learn to your full potential. If you are interested in learning English, you are much more likely to succeed.

Take the time to explore your particular interests in English. If you are a movie fan, read movie reviews in English; if you are a football fan, go to your team’s website, but view it in English. The Internet is full of amazing resources for you when you are learning English, so make sure to make the most of it.

Tip 4 – Don’t Worry If You Make Mistakes

Mistakes are how we learn; we make the mistake then we learn from it and improve. If you are not sure of the answer, have a go anyway. You may just surprise yourself! And, even if you are wrong, at least you will be able to learn the correct word, phrase or pronunciation.

Tip 5 – Thinking In English

It’s much easier to learn English if you can teach yourself to ‘think’ in English. If you are thinking of what you want to say in your own language, then translating it in your head, you may get confused. Constructing the sentence in English first is a good way to make fewer mistakes.

Tip 6 – Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to being able to speak, read and write better English is to practice the skills you have acquired through learning. Don’t just concentrate on one specific area of English; make sure to practice areas such as basic grammar, pronunciation and other aspects of the English language.

Tip 7 – Remember To Learn (And Love) English Grammar

English grammar may seem boring at a first glance, but it can be interesting if approached in the right way. Remember that learning English grammar will help you understand the language, as well as making you more fluent.

Tip 8 – Find A Friend To Practice With

Finding a friend who is also learning English as a second language, and sharing your learning experience is a great way to progress further.

You can do lots of things together to help you learn like: go for coffees together, speak only in English, swap notes, go to the cinema to watch English movies, and share your experiences.

Tip 9 – Learning How To Learn

All of us have different ways to learn that work better for us as individuals. The important thing is to find out how you learn best. For example, do you learn better by reading, doing, seeing or listening?

The majority of us learn by using a combination of all of these skills, however, finding out how you learn best will help you learn quicker.

Tip 10 – Finding A Good Teacher

Using a qualified teacher that understands English is a step in the right direction. A teacher can set you goals and timelines for learning.

Finally, remember that learning a language is a skill that needs constant use; if you don’t use it, you will probably lose it! A language isn’t just something you can learn and forget about; another language helps you understand the world, different cultures and different perceptions of life.

quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010

10 tips to learn English

           for more information, visite and practice English online (Private class)

Here are some tips which may help you to master the English Language!

1. Speak without Fear
The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear.  They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all.  Don’t do this.  The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again , until you get it right.  Like anything, learning English requires practice.  Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want. 

2. Use all of your Resources
Even if you study English at a language school, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class.  Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, willallow you to learn faster.  There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two.  The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but, for the languagelearner, it's perfect. 

3. Surround Yourself with English
The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it.  Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television.  Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.” .

4. Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible
There are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it.  However, there are several  reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate.  The closer students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become

5. Watch English Films and Television
This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective.  By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors.  If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents

6. Listen to English Music
Music can be a very effective method of learning English.  In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension.  The best way to learn though, is to get the lyrics to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings.  There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time.  And if you like to sing, fine.

7. Study As Often As Possible!
Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language. 

8. Do Exercises and Take Tests
Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun.  However, by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with.  Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned.  If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing.

9. Record Yourself
Nobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time.  You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much.

10. Listen to English
By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audiobooks or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you.  Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice.