The downside [1] of social networks
It is important to apply [2] common sense and intelligence when using social networks. Bad choices on a social network can cause problems such as job loss[3] or the end of a relationship
In March, two stories involving Facebook were highlighted [4]
These are just some cases that show that anyone, even a thief, is exposed (and at risk) when using a social network inappropriately. You must know how to apply common sense and intelligence when using social networks (Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, etc.). One basic tip to avoid problems with Facebook is to think hard before posting a message or photo. Users must not post racist orprejudiced [11] messages, they must not criticize work or schoolmates, and must not swear [12]. Another important tip is not to show personal information, such as phone numbers and your address[13], on your page.
Matéria publicada na edição de número 66 da revista Maganews.
1 downside – aqui = lado perigoso
2 to apply – adotar
3 job loss – perda do emprego
3 job loss – perda do emprego
4 highlighted – ganhou destaque
5 to track down – localizar
6 thief – ladrão (robbery = roubo)
7 to stole – roubar
8 to arrest – prender
8 to arrest – prender
9 to be fired – ser despedido
10 Muslim – muçulmano
10 Muslim – muçulmano
11 prejudiced message – mensagem preconceituosa
12 to swear – falar palavrão / xingar
13 address - endereço
Um comentário:
Hi...Your post really got me thinking man..... an intelligent piece, I must say. pdfs concursos
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