sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012

A Tribute Chico Anysio, the king of comedy

Source: Check out the website
People – A TributeChico Anysio, the king of comedy

On March 23, Brazil lost this comedy genius. But
 his work and more than 200 characters will stay forever in the memory of the Brazilian people

  For many Brazilians, Chico was the greatest Brazilian comedian of all time. He created memorable characters such as Alberto Roberto, Justo Veríssimo, Professor Raimundo, Bento Carneiro, Coalhada, Painho and Salomé, among others. A total of 209 characters! Besides acting [1], Chico wrote the scripts [2] for his characters. He was so creative that he wrote many books and was also a painter [3] and composer. Chico worked for some years as a radio broadcaster [4] before debuting on television in 1957, working at the now-defunct TV Rio. In 1968 he was hired by Rede Globo and for more than four decades his characters introduced creative and intelligent humor to tens [5] of millions of Brazilians. One of the most successful programs that he produced was the Escolinha do Professor Raimundo. He also acted in some movies and soap operas. 

Women, children, and cigarettes
 Francisco Anysio de Oliveira Paula Filho was born in Maranguape, Ceará state, on April 12, 1931, and moved to Rio de Janeiro when he was a child. As a teenager he was not sure what he wanted to do in his professional life. He thought of studying to be a lawyer, but also dreamed of being a soccer player. But his passion and his talent for comedy shone through [6].  Chico Anysio was married six times and had eight children. His last wife was Malga di Paula, who was much younger than him. Chico's career lasted 65 years as a comedian, but could have been longer if not for cigarettes. He smoked for 40 years. 

Matéria publicada na edição de abril da revista Maganews.
Fotos – Rede Globo
Áudio da edição impressa – Aasita Muralikrishna

1 to act - atuar
2 script – roteiro / texto
3 painter - pintor
4 radio broadcaster – aqui = locutor de rádio
5 tens – dezenas
6 to shine through – exp. idiom. 
= falar mais alto / prevalecer


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