domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011

More women are playing football in USA

The text of the week is about Football (American), more women are playing Footing in Us, check out and for more info, I recommend you for visiting on this is an interesting website designed for English learners developed by Teacher Fulvio C. Perini. 

Source: INGVIP

American football has replaced(1) baseball as America’s favorite sport.
Football has traditionally been played by men — big men who like to hit(2). However(3), in the past few years, there has been(4) an increase(5) in the number of women’sfootball leagues(6). The women play by the same rules(7) and with the same level(8)of physical contact as the men’s sport. Tarsha Fain is team captain(9) of the Baltimore “Nighthawks(10)”.TARSHA FAIN: “I feel women can do anything(11) a man can do. The same way(12) they get out there(13) and hit, we get out there and hit too.” Fain and teamowner(14) Tanya Bryan were part of the first ever(15) women’s WorldChampionship(16) last year.
The American team — with Fain playing and Bryan serving as team manager(17) –won(18) the gold medal. TANYA BRYAN: “To be the first, the first time it was done(19), and be part of it, you know, no one else(20) can ever say that. So it’s just a wonderful feeling(21). I’m so proud(22) of that.” About(23) ten women’s professional football leagues have been formed in the United States in recent years. Many have either(24)joined(25) with other leagues or failed(26). But the sport continues to grow(27).
Ghoncheh Mossanen is an offensive specialist for the Nighthawks. She has played football for 28 years. Mossanen says the sport is her therapy(28). It is what she looks forward(29) to the most. GHONCHEH MOSSANEN: “I feel there’s a transformation when I go from putting on(30) my gear(31) and stepping(32) on this football field(33).
It’s a huge(34) mental transformation.” Mossanen moved(35) to America from Iran as a child. She remembers the first time she ever played football — at a game(36) in herneighborhood(37). GHONCHEH MOSSANEN: “I remember getting the phone call(38)from my cousin(39) saying ‘come on out’(40), we need one more person to play.’ I didn’t know what it was. I had never played(41) the game and I remember going out there and just fell in love with(42) it.” Most of(43) the other players on the Nighthawks havealso(44) played since(45) they were children.
Most played unofficially or in non-contact leagues. But for team owner Tanya Bryan, women’s football was a completely new experience. TANYA BRYAN: “It’s funny(46), I didn’t even realize(47) the sport existed for women. And I got a phone call from a friend of mine(48) and she said there was(49) an opportunity to own(50) a team in Baltimore. And I thought(51) it sounded(52) really exciting(53) and I said yes, and four years later here I am.” When Bryan bought(54) the team she did not expect to make money right away(55). After four years, she is no longer losing(56) money. But Bryan says what was most important to her was giving young women(57) a chance to play ball.
TANYA BRYAN: “Most of the time as women growing up we’re told, you know – not to be aggressive, and you know not to be assertive(58). And it’s nice to have an outlet(59)where you can come somewhere and let(60) all of that out. You know you can beloud(61). You can hit somebody. You can just let it all go. And you know I think it’s really, it’s really healthy(62), you know. Great athleticism(63) is required(64) for football and the team camaraderie(65) is just fantastic.”
The teamwork was great in the team’s recent game against(66) the Philadelphia Firebirds. After a slow(67) first half(68), the Nighthawks score(69) … and hang on(70) for an 8-0 win. GHONCHEH MOSSANEN: “Its elation(71)! I mean(72) the teamdeserves(73) it. We’ve been playing hard. It’s amazing(74). Now it’s our chance to make the championship.”
The Nighthawks did not win the championship. But, they say having a chance to play this traditionally men’s sport against other women is itself(75) a victory. I’m Faith Lapidus.
  1. Replaced = substituiu
  2. Hit = bater, golpear
  3. However = contudo
  4. there has been = tem havido
  5. increase = aumento
  6. football leagues = ligas de futebol
  7. the same rules = as mesmas regras
  8. level = nível
  9. team captain = capitã da equipe
  10. Nighthawks = falcões da noite
  11. can do anything = podem fazer qualquer coisa
  12. The same way = da mesma forma
  13. get out there = vão lá fora
  14. owner = dono(a)
  15. ever = de todos os tempos
  16. Championship = campeonato
  17. Manager = gerente, administrador
  18. Won = ganhou
  19. the first time it was done = a primeira vez que foi feito
  20. no one else = ninguém mais
  21. wonderful feeling = sentimento maravilhoso
  22. proud = orgulhoso(a)
  23. About = aproximadamente
  24. Either  …or = ou…ou
  25. Joined =juntaram-se a
  26. Failed = faliram
  27. Grow = crescer
  28. Therapy = terapia
  29. looks forward = aguardar ansiosamente
  30. putting on = vestir
  31. gear = equipamento
  32. stepping = pisar
  33. field = campo
  34. huge = imenso(a)
  35. moved = mudou-se
  36. game = jogo
  37. neighborhood = bairro
  38. getting the phone call = receber o telefonema
  39. cousin = primo(a)
  40. ‘come on out’ = venha pra for a
  41. I had never played = eu nunca tinha jogado
  42. fell in love with… = me apaixonei por…
  43. Most of = a maioria de
  44. Also = também
  45. Since = desde
  46. Funny = divertido
  47. even realize = sequer percebi
  48. a friend of mine = um amigo meu
  49. there was = havia
  50. own = possuir
  51. thought = achei, pensei
  52. sounded = parecia
  53. exciting = empolgante
  54. bought = comprou
  55. right away = imediatamente
  56. she is no longer losing = ela não está mais perdendo
  57. women = mulheres
  58. assertive = afirmativo, agressivo
  59. outlet = canal, saída
  60. let = deixar
  61. loud = alto (som)
  62. healthy = saudavel
  63. athleticism = atletismo
  64. required = exigido
  65. camaraderie = camaradagem
  66. against = contra
  67. slow = lento
  68. first half = primeiro tempo
  69. score = marcar (pontos)
  70. hang on = persistir
  71. elation = exaltação
  72. mean = querer dizer
  73. deserves = merece
  74. amazing = impressionante
  75. itself = por si só

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