quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011

Speaking more than one language is good for the brain

Source: Practise a lot English on INGVIP a Brazilian website with a lot of useful English material http://www.ingvip.com/texto/speaking-more-than-one-language-is-good-for-the-brain.htm 

Click on the title and access ING VIP Website. Keep it up. A lot of Useful English material there on http://www.ingvip.com/curso-de-conversacao.htm

In the early(1) nineteen fifties, researchers(2) found(3) that people scored(4) lower(5) on intelligence tests if they spoke(6)more than one language. Research in the nineteen sixties found theopposite(7).

     So which is it? Researchers presented their newest(8) studies in February at a meeting(9) of the American Association for theAdvancement (10) of Science.

  The latest evidence shows(11) that being bilingual does not necessarily make people smarter(12). But researcher Ellen Bialystok says it probably(13) does make you better at certain skills(14). She says: "Imagine driving down the highway(15).There are(16) many things that could(17) capture your attention and you really need to be able to(18) monitor all of them.

  Why would bilingualism make you any better at that?"And the answer, she says, is that bilingual people are often(20) better at controlling their attention -- a function called the executive control system. She says it is possibly the most important cognitive system we have.

   It is where all of our decisions about what to attend to(21), what to ignore and what to process are made. Ms. Bialystok is a psychology professor at York University in Toronto, Canada. She says the best method to measure(22) the executive control system is called the Stroop(23) Test.

   A person is shown words in different colors. The person has to ignore the word(24) but say the color. The problem is that the words are all names of colors. She explains(25): "So you would have the word 'blue' written(26) in red, but you have to say 'red.' But blue is just lighting up(27) all these circuits in your brain(28), and you really want to say 'blue.'

  So you need a mechanism to override(29) that so that you can say 'red.' That's the executive control system."Her work shows that bilingual people continually practice this function. They have to, because both(30) languages are active in their brain at the same time(31).

   They need to suppress(32) one to be able to speak in the other. This mental exercise might(33) help in other ways(34), too. Researchers say bilingual children(35) are better able to separate a word from its meaning(36), and more likely(37) to have friends from different cultures.

   Bilingual adults are often four to five years later than others in developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease(39). Foreign language(40) study has increased(41) in the United States. But linguist Alison Mackey at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. points out(42) that English-speaking countries are still far behind(43) the rest of the world. For VOA Special English I'm Carolyn Presutti.


     1.          Early = inicio
2.          Researchers = pesquisadores
3.          Found = descobriram
4.          Scored = registrar, marcar
5.          Lower = mais baixo, menos
6.          if they spoke = se eles falassem
7.          opposite = oposto
8.          newest = mais recente
9.          meeting = reunião
10. Advancement = avanço
11. Shows = mostra
12. Smarter = mais inteligentes
13. Probably = provavelmente
14. certain skills = certas habilidades
15. Highway = auto-estrada
16. There are = existem
17. could = poderia
18. to be able to = ser capaz de
19. Monitor = monitorar
20. Often = frequentemente
21. to attend to = prestar atenção a
22. Measure = medir
23. Stroop = Tempo de resposta a um estimulo visual
24. Word = palavra
25. Explains = explica
26. Written = escrito(a)
27. lighting up = iluminando, ativando
28. Brain = cérebro
29. Override = substituir
30. Both = ambos(as)
31. at the same time = ao mesmo tempo
32. Suppress = suprimir
33. Might = pode (possibilidade)
34. in other ways = de outras formas
35. Children = crianças
36. Meaning = significado
37. Likely = provável
38. Later = mais tarde, depois
39. Disease = doença
40. Foreign language = lingua estrangeira
41. Increased = aumentado
42. points out = ressaltar, salientar
43. far behind = muito para trás

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