sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Roots of Brazil Folklore is still part of the modern world

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Roots of Brazil
Folklore  is still part of the modern world
Many people do not realize that folklore is part of our daily lives through the food and drink we consume, superstitions, songs and more

   We live in the age of the Internet, of globalization and competitiveness. Technology has an increasing worth placed on it, and people are more and more practical and competitive. In this modern world it seems there is no room for folklore. However, many people do not realize that folklore remains a part of our lives. Have you noticed that many Brazilians are afraid of walking under a ladder or of mixing mango and milk? Our forefathers also had the same fears. This superstition about the ladder and the myth about food and drink (mango + milk) are part of our folklore. When we eat feijoada, or we drink chimarrão, we are consuming our folklore’s typical cuisine. Certain things we say, or songs we sing, in our everyday lives were also said and sung by our forefathers. When we go to a Festa Junina we are enjoying ourselves at a party created many centuries ago. These are just some examples of how folklore is part of our day-to-day life.

Inheritance from Indians, Africans and Europeans

Brazilian folklore is very rich, as it is based on the cultural heritage left by Portuguese colonizers, by Africans and by European immigrants. These people spread around the various regions of Brazil throughout the centuries. This is why every State has different  forms of folklore.

Englishman created this word in the 19th Century

In 1846 the Englishman William John Thoms created a word that later would be used by people all over the world. William joined the words “folk” (people) and “lore” (knowledge) and so the word “folklore” came to be, which means a people’s customs (or knowledge). In Brazil Folklore Day is celebrated on 22nd August.

Folklore is expressed through the most varied activities

We can say that folklore is a mix of customs, beliefs, knowledge and “things” which have been created and cultivated over the centuries and that have been handed down from generation to generation to our time. For a “thing” to be recognized as folklore this “thing” has to have an anonymous origin, that is that no one knows who created it. And it is also necessary that this “thing” was created a long time ago and that it has been used by a large number of people and transmitted to other generations. Folklore is expressed through the most diverse forms: popular lullabies, regional dances, handicrafts, parties, religion, types of food, folguedos (a kind of street theater), clothes, superstitions,  toys and games, forms of language, mythological characters, legends and stories, and even through “popular medicine.” 

Learn about some of our most famous traditions

Cuisine – Feijoada, bolinho caipira, baião-de-dois, café tropeiro, cocada, acarajé and chimarrão.
Parties –  Festa Junina, Festa do Divino, Folia de Reis and Círio de Nazaré.
Music and dance – forró, frevo, baião, maracatu, capoeira, catira, afoxé and moçambique.
Mythological characters – Saci-Pererê, Curupira, Mula-sem-cabeça, Cuca and Negrinho do Pastoreio.
Toys and games – kites (pipas), spinning tops (pião), hide-and-seek (esconde-esconde), andqueimada.

to realize – entender / compreender
daily – cotidiano / dia-a-dia
age – era
competitiveness – competitividade
increasing – cada vez  mais
worth – valor / valorizado (a)
there is no room – exp.idiom. = não há espaço (lugar)
ladder – escada
mango – manga
10 forefathers – antepassados
11 cuisine – culinária / cozinha
12 inheritance (heritage) – herança
13 to come to be – surgir / nascer
14 custom – costume
15 beliefs – credos
16 to be handed down – ser passado / transmitido
17 lullaby – canção de ninar
18 handicraft – artesanato
19 party – festa
20 toy and games – jogos e brincadeiras

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