terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

The King and I (C1)

The King and I  (C1)
The worksheet is based on the article about The king and I

Source: www.speakup.com.br
Language level: Advanced
Standard: British accent
Speaker: Justin Ratcliffe


A – Before you start

Answer the questions with a partner.
1. What do you know about actor Colin Firth?
2. What films has he appeared in?  Have you seen any of them?
3. What do you think of him as an actor?
4. What do you know about his latest film, The King's Speech? Where is it set? When?  What is it about?

B – Listen and answer

Read these statements. Then listen (without reading) and write T (true) or F (false).
1. The film is about King George V.
2. The King's real name was Albert.
3. Colin Firth had often met members of the Royal Family before making the film.
4. When he met Prince Charles, he found him rather arrogant.
5. Colin observes that most people become nervous when they have to speak to royalty.
6. It was difficult to prepare for his film role because he didn't have a model he could study.
7. Firth has always been interested in the affairs of the Royal Family.
8. He wasn't surprised at the public outburst of emotion caused by Princess Diana's death.
9. He thinks the Royal Family have a right to their privacy.
10. According to Firth, the idea that the British have always repressed their emotions is false.  

C – Read and answer

Read the whole of the interview and answer the questions.
1. Why wasn't Prince Albert prepared for his role as king?
2. What impression does Prince Charles make on the people that meet him at an event?
3. What role does his private secretary play on these occasions?
4. What do other people look like to a member of the Royal Family, according to Colin Firth?
5. What did Colin do to find out about the life of a king?
6. Why was the Palace criticised for not flying the flag at half-mast after the death of Princess Diana?
7. Why does Firth mention the Rolling Stones?
8. What effect did this particular film role have on him? Why?
9. How has the way medical science views stammering changed since the 1930s?
10. Are Logue's methods still considered valid? Why (not)?

D – Learn it! Use it!

Complete these sentences with words from the glossary. (You may have to adapt the expression in some way.)
1. The test seems easier this year. I think they've _________  the standards.
2. I'm behind with my work so I'm working through my lunchtime to _________  _________. 
3. The little girl went to sleep  _________ her teddy bear tightly.
4. Tom was _________ by the news that all his hard work had been useless.
5. If you think that's the way to deal with the problem you're on the wrong _________.
6. A fight _________   _________ in the pub the other evening.
7. The company is trying to _________ the image of manufacturers of cheap, low quality goods.
8. Wow! We were really _________ by the beautiful restoration work on the cathedral.

E - Ready for CAE? (Paper 3: Use of English, Part 5)

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between 3 and 6 words including the word given.
Example:          The film tells the story of  George VI. Tom Hooper is the director.
DIRECTED           The film, which is directed by Tom Hooper, tells the story of George VI.

1.                     He would have led a relatively obscure life.
FOR                  He was _______________________________ obscurity.
2.                     The idea that he would have to make public speeches traumatised him.
SPEAK              The idea of ____________________________  traumatised him.
3.                     They asked Firth how he had prepared for the role.
HIS                     Firth ____________________________  for the role.
4.                     Prince Charles's private secretary was showing him around.
USHERED             Prince Charles  __________________________ private secretary.
5.                     The secretary would be checking to see that he didn't get too long with one person.
MAKING              The secretary ________________________ he didn't get too long with one person. .
6.                     You don't have the chance to meet kings and spend a lot of time with them.
AROUND             You don't get to  ________________________ them.
7.                     That's the impression you get of the world.
LOOKS              That's what _______________________ you.
8.                     Something physical is happening in the brain.
THAT                    There's something  _________________________ physical.

F - Talk about it

In pairs or groups.
1. Have you ever made a public speech?
2.  If so, how did you feel about it?/If not, how would you feel if you had to?
3. What makes a good public speaker in your opinion?  Can you name any examples?
4. Can you think of any speeches which have become famous the world over? On what occasion were they made? By whom? Why did they become famous? 

Um comentário:

Marcos Antonio disse...

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