segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

English Tips: RAmerica English

Recently I found out a very informative blog, helpful, by the way. I found out on Facebook and it's all about Essay, Slang, Idioms, useful videos among others. The purpose of this blog is providing a self-studying for Students as well as Teachers have been accessed my blog, and researchers through Google, bloggers and friends around the cybernetic's world. This is the blog's address, keep in touch and improve your English there . Do not forget to bookmark using the social networking after all Educative blogs is really helpful. Thank you all for your kind words, commenting, suggestions, I love you all. Keep practising and do not worry about your mistakes, practise makes perfect, never give up. Your Sincere friend, Carlos. 

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

Great job at helping those that need the extra help with learning English.