quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

Does Social networkings could help you to improve your English? Comment please

Do you really think that social networking websites (Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Stumble Upon, etc) could provide your improvement in English? Whatsoever you practise English a lot, taking a private course, travel abroad and you have some problems to communicate, listening, writing and speaking, one of the main difficult for English Students develop abilities (skills). I’m not mention a lot of useful websites and blogs Brazilians and Foreigners ones who provide a Self-Studying.
Express your ideas and keep practising, never give up your dreams, overcome your difficulties and go ahead. You can count with me; I’ve been practising at least over 20 years as a Self-Taught. Get in touch through e-mail: carlosrn36@gmail.com or Skype ID: aventureirosdacaatinga

2 comentários:

ain disse...

I'm gonna say yes. Yes, it does improve my English speaking skill.. but not much.

soscod disse...

it's not to much..but the best way to make a friend and learn from him....