terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011

A brief biography of the genius Lobato

 Source: www.maganews.com.br

Besides being the greatest writer of children’s books in Brazil, Monteiro Lobato was also a lawyer, translator, businessman and journalist

Monteiro Lobato began publishing his children’s works in the 1920. In the 1970s and 1980s the adventures enjoyed by the Sítio do Picapau Amarelo were adapted for television. In 2002 Rede Globo restored Lobato’s characters to the TV screens. Lobato also worked as a businessman, lawyer, translator, journalist, designer, photographer and even a diplomat.  He was also a prominent defender of oil exploration in Brazil. At that time our country spent a lot of money on oil imports.  Lobato was jailed for three months because of his criticism of the Getúlio Vargas Government. José Bento Monteiro Lobato was born in Taubaté on April 18th 1882 and died on July 4th 1948. He was married to Dona Purezinha and had four children.

The wonderful world of Sítio do Picapau Amarelo

There is always a powerful adjective behind each character created by the genius Monteiro Lobato. The wise Dona Benta is the owner of Sítio do Picapau Amarelo.  She has two grandchildren who live there: the brave Pedrinho and his cousin, the sweet Narizinho.  The cook is the frightened and naive Tia Nastácia. Lobato created other characters who are not flesh and blood. Emília is a clever rag doll and Visconde de Sabugosa is a very smart, talking corncob. Zeca Tatu, the hillbilly, is another unforgettable character created by Lobato.

1 translator - tradutor
2 designer – desenhista
3 oil – petróleo
4 to be jailed – ser preso
5 wise – sábia (o)
6 brave – corajoso
7 cousin – prima (o)
8 frightened – medrosa (o)
9 naive – ingênua
10 flesh and blood – de carne e osso
11 rag doll – boneca de pano
12 corncob – espiga de milho
13 hillbilly – caipira

Foto – Globo / divulgação

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