terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011

Websites and blogs in English from Brazil check it out

                               All credits for English Tips

Well I love blogging and today I'm going to talk about the most relevant information about Brazilians bloggers it's all about English contents, also I recommend them not only for Brazilian, but due the GOOGLE you should visit the list of Blogs I use to read, they are really interesting and useful. The first one is TECLASAP, it belongs to a great and renowned INTERPRETER Ulisses http://www.teclasap.com.br what about Denilso de Lima A.K.A Dr. Descomplica ESL teacher http://www.denilsodelima.blogspot.com what about Ingles Vip? Teacher Fúvio, a Brazilian Teacher, http://www.ingvip.com another Teacher Manoel Carlos http://www.teachermanoelcarlos.blogspot.com What about Teacher Bruno? http://teacherbruno1.blogspot.com/ http://www.englishexperts.com.br/ the list goes on and on. Magazines I recommend for Brazilian teachers http://www.maganews.com.br and also http://www.speakup.com.br worth to take a subscription. Finally for those teachers let me know about your useful blog or website Brazilians or Foreigner ones, I love for being friends and it’s a pleasure for coming, enjoy and thank you for telling about English tips for Friends. Next time I want to hear about Argentineans’ or Foreigners teachers’ blog, just keep in touch and I’ll promote them here. See you the next tip. Thank you for your help in advance. 

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