sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

We need to struggle for peace and love...Thank you for visiting ENGLISH TIPS

Since February 9th until now we received officially numbers of readers 100.000 and numbers increase day by day thanks my bloggers' partners and you, dear readers; over 170.000 of pagerviewers, 505 Google's followers and 422 Networking blogs. I'm proud of being your partner and receive here on my blog is a pleasure. I have no words unless thank you for you kindness visit, for your smile and kiss, and the main important is reciprocate respect...your religion, viewpoint, rich or poor, black or white, I don't care about it, 'cause I hate racism, and any promotion of violence. World really needs peace and human being who struggle against the corruption, for human rights and for those who need help. I dedicate this song for you, Heal the world by Michael Jackson, expresses and  this song symbolises world peace & is the world anthem.Have a wonderful Saturday, my dear friends.

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