sábado, 7 de maio de 2011


Actually this is not about religion, as much as people are talking to when describe it the lyric song WE WILL NOT GO DOWN expresses itself the real situation that Palestinians live nowadays. Definitely I'm not Muslim, Jew, Protestant, but someone who support for FREEDOM and this is lyric should be touch in the LEADERS who promote TERRORISM and BATH BLOODING. Shame to see human beings for both sides destroying themselves. There are no reason to continue spread death in the Land of JESUS was born. INSYALLAH we will see peace in the Strip Gaza, For God willing you see it someday. Violence breeds violence. No matter what is your religion, the most important is your attitude. peace, love and compassion. there is no religion better then the other religion.

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/m/michael_heart/we_will_not_go_down.html ]
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

5 comentários:

Norazam disse...

As much as i HATE violence,Palestinians or not,should be given an equal opportunity to live in peace and harmony.Thanks for sharing the post.

Damiao disse...

I quite agree with you, dear Norazam everyone needs the opportunity and of course I hate th Zionists and Anti-Semitic who doesn't respect their people who live under the line of poverty. Always welcome for sharing and commenting here, dear friend.

Alexander Rozinov disse...

Violence breeds violence. I am agree with you. Bat before you support some one take a look also on another side.
The Palestine started firs and dosen't wont to stop! The Palestine says Israel HAS NO RIGHT TO BE ! Palestine says GENOCIDE of 1939-1945 WASN'T exist.
The Palestine dosn't fight for freedom.
Thay are fight against Jewish people!
My advice to you - before you say something - vent to Israel and look how people live there!
250 bombs
15 innosent people including 7 children. 130 - wounded
21 young killed and 160 wounded.
YouTube.com search - "terror attack in Israel" - 7180 results!
No, you are supporting FREEDOM. It's NOT FREEDOM!!!!!

English tips-Self-Taught disse...

I'm not here to hate Israel, but have a look at the life condition of Palestinians, on the other hand, I'm not here to say what's wrong with both sides, I just support for freedom, you passed me YouTube Videos, but in response of those I can pass several where Israel Arms abuse against children, in addition they (Palestinians) don't have perspective, poverty, death and corruption take part of the horror movie. I'm not here to say you are right, you are wrong, but just support for FREEDOM in Palestine, as you advice me, if someone pay my tickets I'll be there in Palestine to see the real condition, of course I just kidding no needs, access on internet I can see the abuse committed by ZIONISTS and Anti-Semitic group against the Palestine. That's all for today.

Damiao disse...

And of course I'm not going to change my viewpoint, who supports Israel Crimes? Short and Sweet USA policies and his INTERVENTIONISM, compare the Nations ISRAEL AND PALESTINE, I'm not here to say that die for peace is FARE, not at all, nothing justify any act of VIOLENCE. Deny The Palestine Rights is equal Denying The Holocaust. Peace and Freedom that's it.