sábado, 28 de maio de 2011

Let's have some coffee?

Today in Brazil is Saturday morning and I invite you to have some coffee with me, reading English tips, doing the exercises  commenting and spread it for friends. I'm so glad everyone who joined on Google and Networked connections and use the Social Networkings to promote my blog. The list of readers and bloggers partners increase day after day, which means that I think this blog could provide you a Self study and for teachers who visit here useful material. I have only word to say for you...Gratitude and please continue reading and pass it on for friends. Have a blessed day/night afternoon that's because there are readers in Asia, Oceania and different time zone who daily access English Tips. Special thanks for Birthday's readers Meytalis Kire or Face book, Khulafaur RosidinSam Shik God (Allah) bless you and your families. 

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