quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

The charm and joy of “Festa Junina”

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Popular Culture
The charm and joy of “Festa Junina”

Festivities in the month of June are part of the rich and beautiful Brazilian culture

   June is one of the most special months of the year. It is at this time that Brazilians enjoy typical country food and drink, such as corn-based sweets and savory dishes, and drinks such as quentão. During this month people celebrate the three June saints:  Saint Antonio, Saint John and Saint Peter. All over the country, schools, churches, companies, entities and city halls organize their own events. For the festival to be good, it has to recallthe country culture and be held in a space known as an “arraial” or “arraiá”. In this place tents are put up where typical country food and drink are sold. The “arraiá” can also have bonfires, greased poles (pau-de-sebo) and a lot of people dressed in country outfits.

The tradition from the Northeast
In many places in the country, mainly the Northeastern cities, the Festa Junina is more popular than carnival.  The festivals held in Campina Grande (Paraíba) and Caruaru (Pernambuco) are the most famous and attract tourists from all over the country. 

The three June Saints

The 24th is one of the most celebrated days in June. On this date Saint John’s day is celebrated, who is thought to be the most fun-loving saint. The date best remembered by single women is the 13th, when Saint Antonio’s day is celebrated, the “marriage saint”.  The official date for the ending of the June festivals is 29th June, Saint Peter’s day, who is known as the guardian of the gates to heaven and the protector of widows.

1 joy – alegria
2 enjoy – desfrutar
3 corn-based sweets and  savory dishes – pratos doces e salgados, à base de milho
4 entity – entidade
 City Hall – prefeitura
6 to be held – ser realizado
7 tents are put up – barracas são armadas
8 bonfire – fogueira
9 country outfits – trajes caipiras

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