domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Useful Tips, shout out, promote it, please

Another single tip for beginners take a piece of paper write down names (nouns) and fix them, this one is going to help to memorise and building up and improve your vocabulary, for example, clothes vocabularies, etc. Listen to Broadcast radio and choose an accent standard, British or American, but try to be yourself, I mean, do not imitate a Native-Speaker. Improve your accent takes some time and dedication, however you should listen both accent American and English because you have to keep in touch with both accent. No worry about your mistakes and if someone corrects you, don't get bored, they are common and help to improve your English. Listen to lyric songs, by the way they can teach much. Establish targets, and getting started to practise English, a group of friends could be useful, schedule and remember that, your dedication, will power could provide your improvement. Skype programme is the best software to practise English, download it and searching for friends, by the way, let me recommend a great site where you can find out people worldwide with different levels and all ages . In conclusion, there are a lot of useful resources that provides a self-studying such as blogs and websites. It's up to you. Also you can find out excellent online tutor (English techers), just keep in touch with me and I recommend ones to you. Have a wonderful day, or night, many thanks for your help in advance, please telling for friends, promoting my blog. Special thanks for Asian readers, Malaysia, Phillipines, Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia,   South America Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay, North and Center America Canada, United States, Mexico, and the list goes on and increases day after day. 

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