terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011

The Sound of Silence

A song can teach much, this one, in special, it's simple beautiful, I remember when I was younger and I listened to this amazing song, check it out, friends, please. By Simon and Garfunkel

1. Unscramble the following lines
  Because a vision softly creeping
  Still remains
  Hello, darkness, my old friend
  Within the sound of silence
  Left its seeds while I was sleeping
  And the vision
  I've come to talk with you again
  That was planted in my brain
2. Unscramble the letters
In restless (smeard I walked alone
(awronr streets of cobblestone
(ethabne the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and (padm
When my eyes were stabbed
By the flash of a neon  (itlgh) 
That split the (gniht) 
And touched the sound of silence
3. Put the following verbs in the correct form in the gaps
see   talk   speak   hear   listen   write   share   dare
And in the naked light I 
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People  without 
People  without 
People  songs that voices never 
And no one 
Disturb the sound of silence
4. Tick the correct option
"FullsFools",said I, "you do not know
Silence like a dancercancergrows."
"HearFear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might richreachyou."
But my words like silent raindropsrainbowsfell,
And echoed in the wellswallsof silence. 
5. Tick the word that is not heard (one in each line)

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