sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 38, Inglês vip

Recycling Girl: How will you apply(1) this project in your neighborhood?
Mariana: We will put up posters around the neighborhood, explaining(2) why recycling is so important. And then we will develop the selective recycling and teach(3) our neighbors how they can put(4) their trash.
Recycling GirlSo far, so good(5). When will the selective recycling start to work(6)?
Pedro: It will start to work in two months.
Recycling Girl: Wow! You are running out of time(7)! You will have to work hard(8) for the next two months.
Pedro:  We know.  But it is for a good cause.
Recycling Girl: Well, my friends, this is what I had to say to you. Do you have any more questions(9)? I’ll beglad(10) to help you.
Pedro:  Well, we don’t know how we can make the community understand(11) the value(12) of recycling.
Recycling Girl: That is a good question. This is what you have to say to your community: We, humans, producemore and more(13) trash every day. But we have a limited space to throw it away(14). Are you thinking about trash cans? But you should(15) think about earth(16), rivers, lakes(17) , oceans…Because there is where the trash is going one way or another(18). So the most important thing(19) about recycling is how it brings less damage(20) to the environment. I’ll show you something. Look how long it takes(21) for these materials to decompose(22).
Pedro:  To decompose?
Julia:  Yes, totally disappear(23) from the environment. Glass(24): More than 4000 years. Rubber(25): We don’t know. Aluminium can : 200 to 500 years. Plastic: more than 100 years. Metal:  more than 100 years.Cigarrettes(26): 5 years. Matches(27):  6 months. Paper:  from three to six months.
Pedro: Wow! Some of this trash lasts longer(28) than we do!


 1. Apply
  = aplicar
 2. Explaining = explicando
 3. teach = 
 4. Put = 
por, colocar
 5. So far, so good =
 até agora, tudo bem
 6. Start to work = 
começar a funcionar
 7. Running out of time = 
"correndo contra o tempo"
 Work hard = trabalhar duro
 9. Questions = perguntas
 10. Glad = 
 11. Understand = 
 12. Value =
 13. More and more = 
cada vez mais
 14. Throw it away = 
jogá-lo fora
 15. Should
  = deveriam
 16. Earth = planeta Terra
 17. Lakes = 
 18. One way or another = 
de uma forma ou de outra
 19. The most important thing =
 a coisa mais importante
 20. Less damage = 
menos danos
 21. How long it takes = 
quanto tempo leva
  22. Decompose = 
  23. Totally disappear = 
desaparecer totalmente
  24. Glass = 
  25. Rubber = 
  26. Cigarettes = 
  27. Matches = 
  28. Lasts longer = 
duram mais tempo

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

I love your educational videos. I have shown some to my classes. Keep up the good work

Damiao disse...

Words come to you, encourage me to continue struggling and developing my projects. Actually, I'm developing a project teaching for free, my speaking skill is better than writing, anyways I'm providing a Free-training conversation in my town, teaching for free (providing for young, children and adult English classes), originally I'm graduated as a Tour guide, I mean, I'm not exactly a teacher, just someone who try to help people to improve their lives. I'm going to create a NGO as soon as possible. Have a wonderful weekend.