quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 37, Inglês vip

Source: For more videos visit http://www.ingvip.com
Recycling girl:
Hello people. How are you doing today?
Fine, thanks
Recycling girl: So, you are interested in doing a project about recycling. Here is what I can do to help you. First, I can show you how the recycling center works(1), and then, we can talk about your project. How about that?(2)Mariana: That's FineRecycling girl: But first I must say something(3). When I see young people like you caring about(4) the environment(5) and involved with social causes, I feel(6) that we have a future
Julia: So, tell me. How is the work here at the recycling center?
Recycling girl: Well, we have more than 300 workers(7) that bring us, every day, our raw material(8).
Pedro: Raw material? What is your raw material?
Recycling girl: Well, all kind of trash(9) that can be recycled. Specially paper and plastic.We work with aluminumcans(10) and glasses(11) too.
Pedro: When did you start with this program?
Recycling girl: We started five years ago with 30 workers, and now we have 300. For the next year we will have more than 500 workers.
Mariana: So, recycling is not only good for the environment. It can be a job opportunity(12) too.
Recycling girl: Yes, it can.
Pedro: How many(13) neighborhoods adopt(14) the recycling system today?
Recycling girl: In this city, more than 50 neighborhoods adopt it
Julia: Where else(15) will you develop it?
Recycling girl: We are counting on(16) you to develop it down in your neighborhood. Now, tell me one thing. Why did you decide to make a project about recycling?
Julia: I was talking to my neighbors(17) and we realized(18) that there were few(19) people taking care of(20) our neighborhood. We could see(21) trash on the streets everywhere(22). So, we thought that if we developed a project that involves all the community, we could make our neighborhood cleaner(23) and improve(24) our life quality.
Recycling girl: That's a wonderful idea  
 Works = funciona
 2. How about that? = Que tal?
 3. First I mus say something = 
primeiro eu devo dizer algo
 4. Caring about = 
Importando-se sobre
 5. Environment =
 6. Feel = 
 7. Workers = 
 Raw material = matéria-prima
 9. Trash = lixo
 10. Cans = 
 11. Glasses = 
 12. Job opportunity =
 oportunidade de emprego
 13. How many = 
 14. Adopt = 
 15. Where else
  = onde mais
 16. Counting on = contando com
 17. Neighbors = 
 18. Realized = 
 19. Few =
 20. Taking care of = 
cuidando de
 21. We could see = 
Nós podíamos ver
  22. Everywhere =
 em todos os lugares
  23. Cleaner = 
mais limpo(a)
  24. Improve =

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