terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

Pro-jovem part 33, Inglês vip

Source: For more information visit http://www.ingvip.com/curso-conversacao/aula33.htm
Radio's employee: 
Hello, good afternoon. How can I help you?
 Ah, you must be(1) her boss' sister(2)
Radio's employee: Oh, you must work with her. Ah, she told me you were coming. I used to work in that office too
This is so exciting(3)! When I was a little girl, I used to make radio programs with my friends. Now, I can't wait to see a real radio station.
Radio's employee: Hey, these are the people we met(4) on the internet yesterday
Radio's announcer: Oh good, you showed up!(5) I thought you would not come.
Julia: We would not miss(6) this opportunity
Radio's announcer: Good afternoon everybody. This is Open Air FM. Your favorite radio station. We are here today with two special guests(7): Pedro and Julia. They used to be my virtual friends and now they are here, in front of me, in flash and blood(8)! How are you today guys?
Pedro and Julia: We are fine!
Radio's announcer: Are you nervous? I feel a little tension in our Open Air studio
Pedro: Well, this is Pedro speaking. It's the first time(9) we come to a real radio station.
Radio's announcer: OK, let me give you a tip(10). First, you don't have to spit (11)on the microphone, OK?
Pedro: Oops. Sorry!
Radio's announcer: It's fine, just kidding(12)! Tell me guys, what kind of things do you usually(13) do?
Pedro: We work, and hang out(14) with our friends.
Radio's announcer:  Which one do you like the best(15)?
Julia: Both of them(16). I love my friends and my job, because I know I can't move forward(17) without them
Pedro: Me too.
Radio's announcer: Was your youth(18) very different from your childhood(19)?
Julia: Oh, very different. When I was a kid(20), I didn't have many responsibilities(21). I used to go to school, eat, study and sleep(22). Now I have to work, but I'm not complaining(23). You gain(24) responsibilities and start to walkwith your own legs(25).
Radio's announcer: Oh, well. You heard(26) what she said(27). Let's hear another(28) song. You can only listen to it here, in the Open Air radio station.
Radio's employee: So guys, thanks for coming. But before you go, I made a little surprise. I prepared a snack for us.
Julia: Hum, that's very kind of you!(29)
Pedro: Yes, and I'm very hungry.
Radio's announcer: And I brought(30) these books for you, Julia. Some of them(31) talk about journalism, and the others are classics of Brazilian Literature.
Julia: How nice! I can read it in my spare time(32)
Pedro: We read that one last year. It's a great book!
Julia: I brought something for you too. This is an article(33) I wrote(34) for my last office's newspaper

Pedro: I ate too much!(35) And I drank(36) a lot of soft drinkl. My stomach hurts.
Julia: I knew you would be sick. You could not stop eating!(37)

 1. You must be
  = Você deve ser
 2. Her boss' sister = A irmã da chefe dela
 3. Exciting = 
 4. Met = 
conhecemos (passado)
 5. You showed up! =
 Vocês apareceram!
 6. Miss = 
 7. Guests = 
 8. In flash and blood
  = "em carne e osso"
 9. The first time = A primeira vez
 10. Tip = 
 11. Spit = 
 12. Kidding =
 13. Usually = 
 14. Hang out = 
 15. Like the best
  = gosta mais
 16. Both of them = Ambos
 17. Move forward = 
seguir em frente
 18.Youth = 
 19. Childhood =
 20. Kid = 
 21. Responsibilities = 
  22. Sleep = 
  23. Complaining = 
  24. Gain = 
ganhar, adquirir
  25.With your own legs =
 Com suas próprias pernas
  26. Heard = 
  27. Siae = 
  28. Another = 
Uma outra
  29. That's very kind of you! = 
É muita gentileza sua!
  30. Brougtht = 
  31. Some of them = 
alguns deles
  32. Spare time = 
tempo livre
  33. Article = 
   34. Wrote = escrevi
   35. I ate too much! = Eu comi demais!
   36. Drank = bebi
   37. You could not stop eating! = Você não conseguia parar de comer!

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