segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011


Are you alone? Change your habits!

Study done by a dating agency reveals that certain kinds of men and women have more chances of being alone

     Being a good-looking man or woman with a good professional career does not mean guaranteed success in love. Many of these people have great difficulty in finding a good partner and cannot find out why. A specialized dating site, A2 Encontros, carried out a survey to find out why some people have so much difficulty finding their soul mate. The first conclusion is obvious: very demanding men and women run serious risks of being alone. However, the survey also revealed kinds of men that women reject more, and the kind of women men avoid getting close to. Let’s learn about these types.

Types of women who are not successful with men:
Women who are too smart, not very affectionate and unfeminine; lazy women and vulgar women. Men also tend to avoid lawyers (because they tend to be “know-it-alls”) and doctors, because they have less time to be with them.

Types of men who are not successful with women:
Indecisive men; men who do not like talking; men who do not pay attention to women and men who think a lot about sex. Women also tend to avoid police officers (because of the risk of them dying at work) and politicians (because politics is increasingly associated with lying).

dating agency – agência que promove encontros (namoro / casamento)
does not mean – não significa
to find out – descobrir
to carry out – realizar
survey – pesquisa
soul mate – alma gêmea
very demanding – muito exigente
men avoid getting close to – homens evitam se aproximar
lazy – preguiçosa
know-it-alls – “sabe-tudo” / “dona (o) da verdade”
lying - mentira

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