terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011


Source: English Exercise
Author of the exercise: Vanessa B. Alegre from Argentina.
Language level: Elementary.

come love touch a revelation begin dreams
I'm waiting for my moment to 
I’m waiting for the movie to 
I'm waiting for 
I'm waiting for someone to count me in
‘Cause now I only see my 
In everthing I , feel the cold hands on
Everything that I 
Cold like some, magnificant skyline
Out of my reach but  in my eyeline now
We’re tumbling down
We’re spiralling
Tied up to the ground
We’re spiralling
 (fashion PAST SIMPLE)you from jewels and stone
 (make PAST SIMPLE)you in the image of myself
 (give PAST SIMPLE)you everything you wanted
So you would never know anything else
cold fingers
But everytime I reach for you
You slip through my 
Into  sunlight laughing at the things
That I have planned
The map of my world  (get PRES SIMPLE) smaller as I sit here
Pulling at the loose threads now
president famous winner icon start a war be in love have a family
Did you wanna be a ?
Did you wanna be an ?
Did you wanna be ?
Did you wanna be the ?
Did you wanna ?
Did you wanna?
Did you wanna ?
Did you wanna be in love?
 we fall in love
We’re just falling
In love with ourselve s
We’re spiralling 

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