terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011

Happy International Women's Day

                                  Me and my Wife

Happy International Woman’s Day 

Early morning I called up to my Wife and of course it is not very common. So, I told her how much I love her, how much she is important to me and I told: I don’t live without her.

The most important thing: I remind her today is The International Women’s Day, but not just a single day to express how much she and women are important in our lives. For many reasons…I am just here ‘cause my mom gave birth a long time ago. (She passed away), because you (women) are different and special, and in conclusion there are many other reason, but I have only word to say to you…I love you honey. To homage Women around the world, continue struggling against racism, violence and discrimination.

Today, 8th March Happy International Women’s Day, God bless you. Promote this message and "Say no to violence against the Women." Twit this for your friends.

4 comentários:

Anônimo disse...


Anônimo disse...


Anônimo disse...

Nice post on Women's International Day. I will add a link to you on my site.

Damiao disse...

It's right and Steven both sites I have added on my favorites sites and blogs, check out, friends, feeling comfortable to visit as much as you can.