sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011

Speaking without fear...Tip number 1

Actually one of the most difficult for beginners is "Speaking without fear," I'm not talking about speaking without mistakes, they are very common, and of course do not imitate a native-speaker, just choose an accent, it's up to you. Check out the tip bellow and keep in touch with the language, never give up, invite some friends and getting started to practise English. Take classes? Invite your class mate and getting started a group, I mean, you are a self-taught or attend private class, practise as much as possible and go ahead, check out the tip number 1 posted originally by English Vip http://www.ingvip.com 

1. Speak without Fear the biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear.  They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all.  Don’t do this.  The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again , until you get it right.  Like anything, learning English requires practice.  Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want. 

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

very interesting article