sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 23, Inglês vip


Source: http://www.ingvip.com/curso-de-conversacao.htm follow this link and find out 38 videos on www.ingvip.com there are interesting texts with audio. Liked this site? Recommend it for friends and twit it.
 You are so different these days. It looks like(1) you are in love(2)Pedro: Hã? Me?
 It is in your face(3). So, who is she? Is she beautiful?
Pedro: She is blonde(4), has straight hair(5)medium built(6), a little tall(7), very funny(8)Lucas: Wow!(9) You have a crush on this girl(10)Pedro: Yes.
Lucas: What about you and Mariana?
Pedro: Oh man. We are going so slow!(11) I'm too 
shy(12) When I finally(13) have the courage(14) to ask her out(15) she gets the flu
Lucas: You know what I think? You are slow! Mariana is a nice girl(16). She is funny, honest, and very beautiful
Pedro: I know. I'm not very self-confident(17). I think I'm thin(18), I don't like my hair, sometimes(19) I can be boring
Lucas: Come on(20) Pedro! You are a nice boy! You are always in a good mood(21), funny. To me, you are kind of(22) ugly(23), I must say. But I think Mariana likes you.
Pedro: How about you?(24)Lucas:  I have a friend from the internet
Pedro: It must be nice(25) to have a friend from the internet. I don't have any virtual friends(26)Lucas: Of course you don't. You don't have email. You rarely use computers
Pedro: Yes, I'm not into computers(27). I don't know how to use it like you do
Lucas: Don't worry my friend. I can help you. First, we can make an email for you. And then, I can show you how to use the computer, OK?
Pedro: Good. Thanks man!
Lucas: You're welcome
Julia: Boys, you are here. I have to talk to you. I have to go to the community TV station tomorrow to write a story for my office's newspaper. The story is going to be about training projects. Would you like to come?
Lucas: Yes, we would
Julia: Right, good. So, let's meet here at nine, OK? Bye bye!
Pedro: I like Julia. She is very outgoing(28)hardworking(29). I look up to(30) her
Lucas: Yes, me too(31). She is a nice girl.


 1. It looks like
  = Parece que
 2. In love = Apaixonado
 3. Face = 
cara, rosto
 4. Blonde = 
 5. Straight hair =
 Cabelos lisos
 6. Medium built = 
Estatura mediana
 7. Tall = 
 8. Funny
  = engraçado(a)
 9. Wow! = Nossa!
 10. You have a crush on this girl = 
Você tem uma "queda" por esta garota
 11. We are going so slow! = 
Nós estamos indo tão devagar!
 12. Shy =
 13. Finally = 
 14. Courage = 
 15. Ask her out
  = Convidá-la para sair
 16. Nice girl = garota legal, simpática
 17. Self-confident = 
 18. Thin = 
 19. Sometimes =
 às vezes
 20. Come on = 
"deixe disso"
 21. In a good mood = 
De bom humor
  22. Kind of =  Do tipo
  23. Ugly =
  24. How about you? =
 E você?
  25. It must be nice = 
Deve ser legal
  26. I don't have any virtual friends =
 Eu não tenho nenhum amigo virtual
  27. I'm not into computers =
 "Eu não curto computadores"
  28. Outgoing =
  29. Hardworking =
  30. Look up to =
  31. Me too = 
 Eu também

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