segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 32, Inglês vip

Check out the website
Source: Inglês vip
Julia:  Hello. I’m Julia, I write for my Office’s newspaper.
Guy:  Hello, Julia, it’s nice to talk with you(1).
Julia:  Where do you work?
Guy: I work at a radio station called(2) “Open Air”.
Julia:  That’s in my city!
Guy:  Really!? Would you like to be one of the guests of the show? Tomorrow we are having young people to discuss the difficulties of getting a job(3).
Julia:  Of course, I can bring a friend of mine(4).
Teacher: Hello guys. What are you doing here? I thought everybody was home(5)!
Julia: Oh, Hi boss. We were doing some research(6) on the internet, but we are leaving(7) now.
Teacher: Oh, the internet. All my students love the internet. But let me give you an advice(8)Try(9) to look for(10)information on reliable(11) sites. All right I have to go. I just dropped by(12), to see if the lights were on(13).
Julia: Guess what!(14) We are going to a radio station tomorrow.
Teacher: Why are you going to a radio station ?
Pedro: Because we were invited(15) to be one of the guests(16) in a program!
Teacher: Hum! That’s exciting(17)! I have one sister who(18) works in a radio station. It is on the east part(19) of the city. It is called Open Air. 

 1. It's nice to talk with you
  = É um prazer falar com você
 2. Called = chamado(a)
 3. Getting a job = 
conseguir um emprego
 4. A friend of mine = 
um amigo meu
 5. I thought everybody was home =
 Eu achei que todos estavam em casa
 6. Research = 
 7. Leaving = 
 Advice = conselho
 9. Try = tentar
 10. Look for = 
 11. Reliable = 
 12. I just dropped by =
 eu só "dei uma passada"
 13. If the lights were on = 
Se as luzes estavam acesas
 14. Guess what! = 
"adivinha só!"
 15. We were Invited
  = nós fomos convidados
 16. Guests = convidados
 17. Emocionante =
 18. Who = 
 19. East part =
 parte leste

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