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quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011
Pro-jovem, part 28, Inglês Vip
Source: www.ingvip.com
Pedro: Hello Mariana, you are out again! Are you all right now?
Mariana: Yes, I am
Pedro: You got well fast(1)
Mariana: I know. I did everything my doctor told(2) me to do
Pedro: Did you come back(3) to work?
Mariana: Yes, I did. I came back to work yesterday morning. And you? How was your week?
Pedro: I can't complain(4). Well, I'm thinking. Now that you are fine, we can go out.
Mariana: Yes, we can
Pedro: I met(5) a friend on the internet, and he painted a wall(6) downtown. Would you like to check it out?
Mariana: Yes, I would. But wait! I thought(7) you were not into computers.
Pedro: Lucas taught(8) me how to use it last week, and now I like it
Mariana: cool!
Pedro: I heard(9) you went shopping(10) yesterday. I spoke(11) with Julia
Mariana: Yes, that's right! She helped me. I needed new clothes
Pedro: Did you buy anything good?
Mariana: Yes, I did. I bought(12) everything I needed
Pedro: So, tomorrow can we go out and see my friend's painting?
Mariana: Yes, we can
Pedro: Oh, it's nice
Pedro: You look beautiful(13) Mariana. Those are nice shoes
Mariana: So, where are we going? Is it far from here?
Pedro: No, it's not. We can go walking
Mariana: Oh, great. Oh, I can't believe I put these high heels on!
Pedro: Sorry. Did you say something?
Mariana: Who? me? Oh, no! I just said(14) I... I think I left the TV on!(15)
Pedro: Well, let's go back then(16)
Mariana: Oh, no. It's not a big deal!(17)
Pedro: Look Mariana, we are here
Mariana: Oh, that is so nice
Pedro: I think it is really nice too. Hurry up, Let's take a closer look(18)
Mariana: Oh, yes.
Pedro: My friend said that graphism is a form of art. It came from the streets, and because of that(19), it is carried with(20) urban culture. It is the type of art that has the closest(21) contact with the citizens(22) from the urban cities. It is a ritual from the urban culture and urban artists
Mariana: My feet hurt!(23) I hate(24) high heels! I want my tennis shoes
Pedro: Mariana, oh, I'm so sorry! I could not stop talking(25)... I can be boring sometimes(26)...oh, did I ruin(27) our date?
Mariana: No, no no. You did not ruin our date. I have to tell you the truth(28). I can't stand(29) these shoes anymore(30). And I could not stop thinking about it. So, I should be sorry.
Pedro: Oh, is that it? Oh, I thought the problem was me
Mariana: Of course not Pedro. You know I like your company
Pedro: Do you want to go home?
Mariana: It was about time(31)
1. Got well fast = Você melhorou rápido
2. Told = disse
3. Come back = voltar
4. I can't complain = Eu não posso reclamar
5. Met = conheci
6. Painted a wall = Pintou um muro
7. Thought = Pensei, achei
8. Taught = ensinou
9. Heard = ouvi falar
10. Went shopping = Foi fazer compras
11. Spoke = falei
12. Bought = comprei
13. You look beautiful = você está linda
14. I just said = Eu só disse
15. I think I left the TV on! = Eu acho que deixei a TV ligada!
16. Let's go back then = Vamos voltar então
17. It's not a big deal! = "Não é grande coisa!"
18. Let's take a closer look = Vamos dar uma olhada mais de perto
19. because of that, = Por causa disso
20. carried with = Carregada com
21. the closest = O mais próximo
22. Citizens = cidadãos
23. My feet hurt! = Meus pés estão doendo!
24. Hate = odiar
25. I could not stop talking = Eu não consegui parar de falar
26. Sometimes = às vezes
27. Ruin = estragar
28. Truth = verdade
29. I can't stand = Eu não aguento
30. Anymore = mais
31. It was about time = Já estava na hora
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