domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 24, Inglês Vip

Source: you'll find out information visiting Teacher Fulvio credits for this wonderful site, recommend friends. 

Julia:  Hello guys! So, are you ready to go(1)?
Pedro: Yes. Where is the Community the TV Station?
Julia:  I don’t know. It’s not in the neighborhood. Let’s ask for directions.
Pedro: Yes, sure.
Julia: Excuse, sir. How do we get to(2) the Community TV Station from here?
The Painter: The Community TV Station is downtown(3). You have to turn right(4) on the fourth street. Go
straight ahead
(5), on the second block(6), you turn left(7). There is a bus stop(8) right at the corner(9).
Lucas: How long does it take(10) for us to get there?
The Painter: Around half an hour(11)…
Julia: Oh boys! We have to go hurry up!(12)
Pedro: Here. This should be the bus stop.
Lucas: But this is a supermarket. There is something wrong(13). Let’s ask for directions again(14).
Julia:  Excuse me sir, how do we…Wait, do I know you? Ok.. How do we get to the Community TV Station from here?
The Gardener:  Oh, it’s easy. You are four blocks away from(15) the subway(16). Turn left on the third street.
You can take the subway and get off(17) on the fourth stop.
Julia:  Thanks.
Julia: There is no subway here! What are we doing wrong?
Lucas: I don’t know! Let’s try (18) again.
Julia: Yeah. Excuse me sir…You, again?
Man:  What?
Julia: Never mind(19). How do I get to the Community TV Station from here?
Man:  The Community TV Station? Go straight ahead. And the end of this street(20), there is a big avenue(21). You
Turn right on the avenue. You walk three blocks, and you are there. The Community TV Station is right at
Julia: Ok, Thanks.

1.        1.  Are you ready to go? Vocês estão prontos para ir?
 2.      How do we get to… = Como nós chegamos a…
3.      Downtown = Centro da cidade 4.      Turn right = Virar à direita
 5.      Go straight ahead = Siga direto em frente
 6.      Block = Quarteirão
 7.      Turn left = Virar à esquerda
 8.      Bus stop = Ponto de ônibus
 9.      Right at the corner = Bem na esquina
 10.  How long does it take = Quanto tempo leva
11.  Around half an hour = Em torno de meia-hora
12.  Hurry up! = Vamos logo! , apressem-se!
 13.  There is something wrong = Há alguma coisa errada
 14.  Again = Novamente
 15.  Away from = Longe de
 16.  Subway = Metrô
 17.  Get off = Descer (transporte)
 18.  Let’s try = Vamos tentar
 19.  Never mind = “Deixe pra lá”
 20.  Streeet = rua
 21. Avenue = Avenida


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