quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 21, Ingles vip


Source: www.ingvip.com
Use this material, very useful not only for Brazilian students or teachers but students worldwide can access this site. I really recommend, it worths visiting there. 
Boss:Good morning Mariana. How are you today?
Mariana: Not good. I have the flu(1)Boss: Really? How are you feeling?(2)
My back hurts(3), my head(4) hurts, my nose is runny(5)Boss: Do you want to go home?
Mariana: No, I'm fine.
Boss: Well, if you need me, I'm at my office OK?

Mariana: Thanks for calling us
Workmate: Do you have the flu?
(6)Mariana: Yes, I do
Workmate: You should see a doctor(7). You can't work like that!
Mariana:  Yes
Boss: Mariana, your eyes are closing
Mariana: I don't feel good. I think I should(8) go to a doctor
Boss: I have a sister that is a doctor. Let me call her and set an appointment(9). Hello Sis! How are you? I'm fine,working a lot(10), and you? Listen, I have a friend that is not feeling good. Can she come to your office? OK, thanks Sis. She's coming over(11). OK bye bye. I'll call you later(12). All set(13) Mariana. She can see you right now(14) . You should go
Mariana: Thank you

 Flu = gripe
 2. How are you feeling? = Como você está se sentindo?
 3. My back hurts = 
Minhas costas estão doendo
 4. Head = 
 5. My nose is runny =
 Meu nariz está escorrendo
 6. Do you have the flu?  = 
Você está gripada?
 7. You should see a doctor = 
 Você deveria ver um médico
 I think I should = Eu acho que eu deveria
 9. Set an appointment = Marcar um horário
 10. Working a lot = 
Trabalhando muito
 11. She's coming over = 
 Ela está indo
 12. I'll call you later =
 Eu te ligo mais tarde
 13. All set = 
Tudo marcado
 14. Right now = 

Passing this information twitting for friends, thank you for your help in advance.

2 comentários:

lina@women's perspectives disse...

Learning English here is very enjoyable! Thanks, Carlos...

Damiao disse...

Thank you Lina you'll find more videos on www.ingvip.com is in portuguese but the most of content is in English. Visit your blog after that.