quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 20, Inglês vip

You should visit this website there you'll find out a lot of texts and English course, as well as podcasts.
Source: www.ingvip.com

Lucas: Hello guys! I would like to show you my new DVD
Pedro: Wow Lucas! This is great! How can you buy a DVD?
Lucas: Every month, I save(1) half of my earnings(2), and I'm paying in five installments(3)
Pedro: Good
Lucas: Let's sit on the sofa(4) here and watch the movie
Julia: Wait(5), let me get the drinks first(6). I can make some hot chocolate. Can I use your oven(7) Lucas?
Lucas: Yes, you can. The cups(8) are in the cupboard(9)
Pedro: I can prepare a pizza. Can I use your stove(10) Lucas?
Lucas: Yes, you can Pedro. Mariana, can you help me with the DVD? I don't know how to use it
Mariana: OK, where is the manual?
Lucas: It's under(11) that box
Mariana: Let's see. Connect this cable(12) on the TV and press this button(13). And it's working(14). Now, where is the movie we are watching?
Lucas: The movie? The movie is with you
Mariana: No, not with me! Julia, where is the movie?
Julia: The movie..the movie..oh! It's under my purse(15)
Pedro: Here!

Pedro: Mariana, I'm learning how to cook.at my job, and if you want, tomorrow I can make you spaghetti with cheese
Mariana: Really? That's very nice Pedro.
Pedro: OK, than I pick you up at work(16)
Mariana: OK, fine
Pedro: Where is your work?
Mariana: It's next to the gas station(17), in front of the bank. I can call you tomorrow to give(18) you the right address, right?
Pedro: OK
Julia: Mariana, we must(19) go. It's late.
Lucas: Bye girls


 1. Save =
 2. Earnings =
Ganhos, rendimentos
 3. I'm paying in five installments =
Estou pagando em cinco prestações
 4. Sit on the sofa =
Sentar no sofá
 5. Wait =
  6. Let me get the drinks first = Deixe-me pegar as bebidas primeiro
  7. Can I use your oven? = Posso usar seu forno?
  8. Cups = Xícaras
  9. Cupboard = armário de cozinha
  10. Stove = fogão
  11. Under = sob
  12. Cable = cabo
  13. Press this button =
Pressione este botão
   14. It's working = Está funcionando 
   15. Purse = bolsa
   16. I pick you up at work = Eu te apanho no trabalho
  17. Gas station = Posto de gasolina
  18. Give = dar
  19. Must = Dever (obrigação)

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