quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

I'm a Cybernetic

Oh my God, I need to see a doctor...I consider myself a Cybernetic, before brushing my teeth, I'm blogging and check out Facebook (three profiles), StumbleUpon, twitters' profiles, Orkut, Digg, and the list goes on...I didn't mention about my E-mail, msn, Yahoo, Skype, blah, blah, blah...I'm addicted on internet, make friends overseas, but I don't forget to use and abuse for a great and human cause...helping people and struggling for a better world. I didn't talk about my bloggers' partners, I also visit my dear friends spreading in several countries. I didn't forget you, dear readers, I use to reply your comments, they are really great. But,I'm not a not a robot, I'm a human being who need your support to help others. I insist to recommend those who visit and like this blog..."Keep promoting and telling for friends about English tips, this way you can help and deserving my students who take part of the project "Living and learning" it's a single way to learn English. 

Even though, I use all of the social networking mentioned before in order to improve their English, in particular useful sites and blogs. Yes, definitely I'm a Cybernetic. Have a wonderful night/day depending of your time zone.  

3 comentários:

Unknown disse...

i'm half cybernetic hahahha

Larry Lewis disse...

Just found your blog. Its good to know there is a name for what i have ... im going to tell everyone now that i'm a 'cybernetic'. That will keep me online for another few hours. Thank you

Damiao disse...

Pirate, I'm addicted but I'm not cybernetic, I just posted this in order to honour those readers who visit my blog include you, of course. Larry we're following each other, and my pleasure to see you here, thanks a lot you are always welcome.