terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011

How can I translate Let it Be?

Source: www.speakup.com.br
Language level: Pre-intermediate
Standards: British and american accents

Do you know what does LET IT BE mean? Have a look at the article based on the lyric song by Beatles.


All You Need is Love

In the 1960s millions of foreign students learnt English by listening to The Beatles. And they still do. Pop – or “Popular” – music helped make the English language popular: foreign countries can dub British and American films and TV shows, but they can’t dub pop songs! They are a great way to learn English and The Beatles, the greatest pop group of all, are an excellent example.


Most of the early Beatles songs were about love: She loves You (Yeah! Yeah!) and the linguistically bizarre Love me Do. For a language student, the song All You Need Is Love is more useful. It is a simple and positive message and it is repeated many times in the song. Not only that, the chorus shows you how to express the same concept in a different way: “Love is All you Need.” You can take this phrase and apply it to other ideas: “All you Need is money,”  or “Money is all you need.” “All you need is intelligence,” or “Intelligence is all you need,” “All you need is common sense,” or “Common sense is all you need” etc. If you are using a plural, you must adapt it: for example: “All you need are good friends: good friends are all you need,” “All you need are credit cards, credit cards are all you need” etc.


And, for a simple introduction to the simple past, what better example than Paul McCartney’s melancholic song, Yesterday: “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, but now it looks as if they’re here to stay.” Here again in you can build your own phrases: “Yesterday my life seemed so easy, but today it’s a disaster,” “Last year the economy looked good, but now it’s terrible,” “Three years ago Italy had the best team in the world, but now it’s terrible,” “Three years ago Italy had the best team in the world, but that’s probably not true today, “The list goes on…


McCartney also wrote the beautiful song, Let it Be. This was about his mother Mary, who died when Paul was a teenager in Liverpool. “Let It Be,” was Mrs. McCartney’s phrase for “Don’t Worry,” but it is a rare example of the subjunctive in English. Other examples include the English national anthem, “God Save the Queen” and Star wars, “ May the Force Be With you, “but that’s another story…

Let it be, translated it Don’t worry (não se preocupe). Liked this post, please twit it for friends.

7 comentários:


add meu novo blog meu link e www.lagoanovarealidade.blogspot.com

Unknown disse...

Just stopping by dear friend, great post as always I tweeted you and shared on fb :)) have a blessed day!!


Damiao disse...

Adicionado meu amigo de Lagoa Nova, adiciona o meu. Debbie I can metion some American friends who visit my blog, but I have a lot, as well as friends in several countries who promote my blog, include you. It's always a pleasure to me, and as I always mention...You are the most important, no matter your country, your religion, accent, language or dialect, I respect all of them, and I so happy to see you here or there, on Facebook, you will always on my mind. Thank you Debbie, Brazilians bloggers and friends and readers from all over the world.

Anônimo disse...

This is a very informative blog. Great stuff!!

Sailor disse...

Pretty interesting! This can help me learn some Spanish too.

Anônimo disse...

I just love your blog. It really shows how trick language can be. Keep up the good work.

Damiao disse...

Sailor, sweepyjean and Steven your viewpoint, comment and visit is really important to me, thank you.