quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011

Rio flood death toll hits 800

Source: www.maganews.com.br

Rio flood death toll hits 800

Death toll in the floods in Rio de Janeiro state hits 800. More than 21,000 people have been left homeless. The most affected areas include Teresopolis, Nova Friburgo and Petropolis

State governor Sergio Cabral has declared seven days of mourning for the victims of the disaster.   Local media reported rescuers had to reach worst-hit areas on foot because vehicles cannot cross blocked roads. Mountainous areas north of Rio de Janeiro have been hit by the heaviest downpours in 44 years. The rain caused rivers of mud to rush down the mountains and tear through towns, levelling houses and throwing cars over buildings.

Natural disasters:  prevention is the best weapon
Nature alone is not to blame for the large numbers of victims in Rio de Janeiro state.  Brazil has not yet learned how to deal with natural disasters. The best weapon in this case is prevention. Many deaths could have been avoided if the families had not built their houses close to rivers or streams. Local city halls could also contribute by banning house building in areas at risk, such as above or below hillsides that could slide.  
Picture (Nova Friburgo) - Valter Campanato/ABr

9 comentários:

Ana disse...

This was not a natural disaster. Politicians build these homes next to rivers to poor people during election times and give them in exchange for votes.
This is the first time the tool was this high but every summer when it rains we have the same problem.
It is a criminal event caused by corruption and impunity.
Thank you for writing about it but unfortunately nothing is going to change.

Damiao disse...

The shame should be showed-off worldwide, Anna, you are right, actually it was a natural and predictable disaster promoted by irresponsible politicians, using the poor ones during the campaigns this true, the main vehicle of media, and T.V. doesn't exhibit making up the situation, and the government spend a lot of money, where's the money? We don't know, we have to keep an eye. In the conclusion, this is the answer of the nature, the human stupidness carry out disaster like that and among others, predictable, not because the global warming, green house effect, but we are directly responsible for those events. You are always welcome, I'm not the owner of this posting, but originally posted by MAGANEWS.

Delsiolive disse...

I couldn't agree more to both of you! All the people know that Mantiqueiras's serra is a living being , so to speak, and for millions of years parts of it just crumbles as a natural phenomenon any given time in heavies downpoors. We have records of it since the XIX century. So we are in the know, but polititians don't care less about and poor people keeppt ignorant and uneducated designedly will die eventually.

The government knows it and that's the reason they want to condemn the nature, Global warming...and so on. Faking compassion and promissing help and measures that will never produce a fair policy.

Damiao disse...

firstly I want to express my condolences, but this is a hard reality and secondly, this is your viewpoint, Delsio, I have to respect, I am just commented in general, there are politicians who takes advantage with the natural disaster, here a former mayor some years ago did that, it is not very common floods in the Northeast and I know that everything is happen around, global warming is responsible for that, I'm not an expert, I'm a tour guide, not a geologist (lol) building next to river, mountain there are predictable consequences, and, unfortunately the event repeat, year after year, change the address, but it takes place. Due the La Ninã Phenomena we'll see flooding, landsliding here in the Northeast. Thank you for visiting, you are the most important here, dear visitor.

Damiao disse...

Digo-lhe mais, por aqui teve um político que usou e abusou do dinheiro que era para ser gasto com as vítimas das enchentes, isso numa cidade do interior do Rio Grande do Norte, essa é uma realidade dura, mais é a mais pura verdade.

Delsiolive disse...

Global Warming has little to do with deaths in that enormous proportion. Yes, I know that is one of the causes of heavy rain here and other parts of the world. But humongous flood in Australia, for example have minimal human deaths. It's political mainly.

On the other han La Niña e El Niño are staging flood and dry wether for thousands years....not Global Warming at all!

See that report that I concise:

Rio's trauma was not concocted by nature at all, because hills , slopes on this area suffers periodically the predicaments of nature. People should be hold accountable by the authorities when spoted any irregular construction. They don't, politicians thrive by granting permission and acess to this areas....to collect political or monetary...both!...benefits.

To prove that just read some findings of CREA-RJ (Regional Counsel of Architeture-Rio de Janeiro) published in a newspaper, "O Globo". CREA-RJ issued an assessment and the article informs:

The document has stressed the need for containment works on slopes to prevent landslides, and reduction of illegal occupation. The council president, Agostinho Guerreiro, estimates that 80% of deaths in the region could have been avoided if there was this kind of planning: 
"It is a disservice to tell people that this tragedy was caused by climate change and due to the action of nature. It has contributed, but the big factor was the man's actions and local governments lack of planning because they are responsible for the land occupation "

Delsiolive disse...

Instead of "Mantiqueiras' serra" please read "Mounts along the coast",because they have a endless variety of denominations of Southeast Region.


Damiao disse...

Delsio, thank you for enriching my blog, with your English fluent (congratulation) Of course, I'm far from your region and I don't know the reality, the climate, soil, vegetation, are totally different. Global warming and greenhouse effects they are not phenomena as La Niña and El Niño, it's really hard and painful to see homeless and victims of the biggest tragedy, it seems to me, that takes policies to prevent catastrophes. Delsio, thank you for your comments, they are really interesting to me and of course, my readers, continue come here, you are always welcome, and sorry if I used rude words, if I did, It was not my intention. Have a wonderful and blessed night.

Delsiolive disse...

Cool! I didn't feel any bad intentions in your reply. We can agree or disagree aiming to shed a light on this tragedy.
