terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011


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Santa's Motorcycle
Q. If Santa [1] rode [2] a motorcycle, what kind would it be?
A. A Holly [3] Davidson.

A mother’s love
A little kid asks an expectant woman:
- What is in your tummy [4]?
- My baby!
- Do you love him? 
- You betcha[5]
- Why have you eaten him then?

Female intelligence
Who has more sense: men or women?
-Women, of course. Have you ever seen a woman marry someone just because he had nice legs?

Father and son
Father: What did you do today to help your mother?
Son: I dried [2] the dishes.
Daughter: And I helped pick up the pieces [7].

Round house
A man built a round house with round rooms. His friend asks him why. The man explains: 
- My mother-in-law [8] said: "I hope there will be a corner [9] for me in your new house."

Noisy night
- What a disgrace! Your dog howled the whole night under my window.
- Don't worry. It usually sleeps well enough during the day.

Publicado na edição de número 52 da revista Maganews.
Áudio – Andy Shepherd e Daniella Rabelo


Santa (or Santa Claus) – Papai Noel
to ride a – andar de
Holly – sagrado / santo (obs – Harley Davidson é o nome correto da moto)
tummy – barriga
you betcha! – exp. idiom. = pode apostar
to dry – secar / enxugar
to pick up the pieces – pegar os pedaços (ou cacos)
mother-in-law - sogra
corner – canto / “cantinho”

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