quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

ING VIP's Site

Today I'm going to talk about a useful Brazilian site, I mean ING VIP, designed by Fuvio C. Perini a Brazilian Interpeter there you can improve your English, not only for Brazilian ones, but everyone can access and improve their English, you'll find out there English Courses, for instance, follow up this link http://www.ingvip.com/curso-conversacao/aula1.htm or just browser the home page http://www.ingvip.com very useful. As well as, for those live in São Paulo State, to be more specific Sorocaba and Region, keep in touch with him and getting started to take online classes. Great job, great site. I hope you like this posting and good luck watching the video

Source: www.ingvip.com, Video Aula, part 1

Lucas: Hello
Pedro: Hi Lucas, How are you (1)?
Lucas: I'm fine, thank you. How are you?
Pedro: Fine, thanks(2)
Julia: Good morning Pedro
Pedro: Oh, good morning Julia
Julia: Hello, I'm Julia. What's your name(3)?
Lucas: Hi Julia, My name is Lucas. Nice to meet you(4)
Julia: Nice to meet you too (5)
Mariana: Julia, Hi
Julia: Hi Mariana, you are late(6)
Mariana: Sorry. What's up?(7)
Julia: This is Mariana. She's my friend. This is Pedro. Ah, and this is Lucas. He is his friend
Lucas: Nice to meet you Mariana
Pedro: Hi Mariana, how are you?
Mariana: Just fine(8)
Julia: Oh, it's my bus. Good night Pedro, good night Lucas
Pedro: Good night Julia, Good night Mariana
Mariana: Bye bye, tchau

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