terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty

Watch the video and answer the following questions.

Author: Teacher Frenchfrog
Source: www.englishexercises.org

Q.1   In which city is the Statue of Liberty?
            in Los Angeles.     in Washington D.C.     in New York City.     in San Francisco.
Q.2   Fill in the blanks.
       The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable  of the United States,
           representing  and  from  for people all around the
           world. The Statue of Liberty was for decades often the first  of the
           United States for millions of  arriving after ocean voyages from
Q.3   When was the Statue of Liberty dedicated? What was the occasion?
           The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on     to commemorate
           the  of the founding of the United States. 
Q.4   Which country gave the Statue of Liberty as a gift / present?
           England.     Germany.     France.      Italy.     Spain      Portugal.
Q.5   Choose the correct answers.
            Fredéric Auguste Bartholdi .
            Gustave Eiffel .
Q.6   How much did the Statue of Liberty cost?
        $2,500.      $25,000.      $250,000.      $2,500,000.
Q.7   Which means of transport do you have to take to see the Statue of Liberty?
            You have to take the .

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