sábado, 18 de dezembro de 2010

Visit, Share, Telling for friends about English tips

Well, as you know I usually post some podcasts from VOA Special English, in my view point is the best American Site providing for English Students and easy comprehension, different sections and news. VOA means the Voice of America, my intention of course is spread the VOA's tips around the world. Thanks for your sharing my blog, it reached within 10 months  145 countries, that's why I want to thank you, readers, you are the most important and as I said before, without you my blog doesn't make sense. Visit my blog? Did you enjoy it? Share on Bookmark, Twitter, Orkut, Facebook among others social Network sites. Remember that, I really appreciate it. For those partners, Teachers, Friends, students I desire a Merry Christmas, God bless you (Alah bess you). Thank you for your help advanced, continue telling for friends about Egnlish tips, thank you for those children loves to keep in touch with my blog. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend.

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