Caatinga acording to Tupy Language spoke by Indigenous Peoples means "Wood Bush". Well as I told before, we're going to create a NON-PROFIT ORGANISATION here in Brazil ONG, first of all, one of the purpose is to plant trees in the middle of Caatinga ecosystem that's why due the deforestation caused by Ceramic Industry and the Livestock exploration. Check out the picture bellow where Students of Joao Henrique school and coordinated by Teacher José Adenilson, Jailma and Anna both Agronomist Engineers and me Carlos. Here we're developing a project named adopt a tree, in particular planting native trees of the biome Caatinga. No longer until December we’re going to getting started the NGO. Do not forget to spread this blogs for friends, thanks for your help advanced.
Hello there, this is English tips blog, a place for exchange Educative blogs, sharing experience and promote Education, so, after visiting my blog, liked please promoting for friends. Skype: aventureirosdacaatinga
quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010
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Credits for Watch this video: 1) The boys in the video say that they aren't speaking isn't spea...
On internet there are many ways in other listenin and learning, that is, way to larn, most for free. Living and learning is a way to pract...
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