terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2010

Never give up...

First of all, I encourage you, dear readers and English learners to continue to practice English. No worry about your mistakes, and of course, do not focusing in grammar structures, it is important, but looking for improve your listening, use Networking sites as Skipe, MSN, Facebook, Orkut among others, improve your comprehension, contextualize is the most important; develop your writing skill, but follow step by step. As much as possible keep in touch with Native learners or advanced students level. Dedicate at least 1 hour a day, studying hard, listen to music, podcasts, and useful websites and never give up.

Change the subject many thanks for those readers, Networking Blogs partners, teachers and students from worldwide. You are the most important here, thank you for visiting, comment, and share and spread my blog overseas. I’m going to travel to Juazeiro do Norte city, in Ceará State in order to take part of an Geo-Park’s International Latin-American and Caribbean Conference. I promise as soon as I return home, maybe on Saturday or Sunday, I’ll visit one by one blogs and replies the comments.

We cannot change the world, but we can do small things to improve the life conditions, in particular the poorest ones. Have a wonderful day. I love to be volunteer. Do not forget to help to continue spreading peace, love and knowledge overseas. 

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