segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2010

The Elephant Song, by Erick Herman

The Elephant Song - Cool Tunes for Kids by Eric Herman
Author: Jill Friedman

Elephants, I like elephants. Elephants, I like elephants. 
I like how they swing through trees, elephants.....
No..... elephant's don't swing through trees
They don't? Well what am I thinking of?
Oh well in that case - Monkey's , I like monkeys. 
I like how they swim in the ocean........
No, that's fish
Oh I see. Fish, I like fish. I like how they scratch at fleas 
No and sniff at trees and bark at the mailman
No, - Those are dogs
Aww, gotta like dogs right, Yacurled up on the windowsill purring 
No and chasing mice No
Well what then? CatsCats, of course
Cats - I like cats. I like how they say COCK - A - DOODLE - DOO
No, no, no - They go "meow"
They do?
You're thinking of roosters
Roosters, I like roosters. I like how they reach into beehives for the honey - 
No, bears do that
Oh yes, yes. Bears, I like bears, I like how they jump up high, 
to catch a fly, Noand sit on a lily pad
No, no, no, no, no, no - Frogs
Gotta like frogs, Ya,  running through a maze for some cheese
No, that's mice
Oh mice - mice, I like mice. I like how they say "hehaw"
No, they go "squeak, squeak"  That's a donkey.
Donkeys, I like donkeys. I like how they stomp through 
the jungle with their great big trunks
No that's an elephant.
Well right, that's like I said,  Elephants, I like elephants.......
You don't know anything about animals
I do so
You're silly
Am not...........
Name the animal !
What animal swings through trees? an 
What animal crawls on the ground? a 
What animal swims on the ocean? 
What animal is called the 'King of the Jungle'? a 
What animal is black and white? a 
What animal lives in Antarctica? a 
What animal says COCK - A - DOODLE - DOO? a 
What animal says "hehaw"? a 

3 comentários:

lina@women's perspectives disse...

Very interesting song, Carlos :)

Gaia Eos disse...

Hi Carlos hope you are doing apologies for leaving my message here just facing trouble with your shout box .... hope you had a great Monday & your week started on a good tone wish you wonderful night my friend take care ^_^

Damiao disse...

Gaia you are always welcome to comment here or there on c-box, thanks a lot, I'll visit afterwards. Lina as always, was very kind of you, make yourself comfortable to comment here, thanks a lot ladies.