terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010

Religion, A brief Biography of Frei Galvao

Recommend to Students and Brazilian Teachers, very useful magazine for more info visit http://www.maganews.com.br or click on top of the posting.

A brief biography of the Brazilian Saint

    Friar Galvão was a tall and handsome man. He came from a traditional and rich family, but preferred to turn his back on comfort to become a Franciscan monk. In 1762 he went to live in São Paulo and it was there that he was ordained as a priest. At that time he was famous for performing miracles. One of his great works was the construction of the Mosteiro da Luz.  He got the money for the construction through donations. Friar Antônio de Sant'Anna Galvão was born in Guaratinguetá in 1739 and lived in that city until he was thirteen years old, before living for a while in Bahia. He spent sixty years of his life in São Paulo, where he died on December 23rd 1822. Friar Galvão will be canonized thanks to two miracles attributed to him, which have been recognized by the Vatican. Some researchers, however, believe he performed over 30,000 miracles.

 Trecho da matéria publicada na edição de número 35 da revista Maganews, que também traz informações Guaratinguetá, a cidade onde nasceu o primeiro santo brasileiro.
1 handsome – bonito / bonitão
2 to turn his back on – exp. idiom. = abrir mão de
3 Franciscan monk – frade franciscano / monge / frei
4 ordained – ordenado
5 priest – padre
6 miracle – milagre
7 living for a while – morar por pouco tempo

Foto – Acervo Museu Frei Galvão

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