Source: Recomendo para Professores e alunos, assine já...
Carmen Miranda’s centenary
Carmen was born in February 1909. As a singer and actress, she became one of the biggest Broadway and Hollywood stars
In 1939 a young Brazilian singer, at just 1.53 meters tall, went to the United States to show off her talent. She could barely speak English, but after a few Broadway shows she began to win the Americans over. Carmen was an original artist. In her shows she wore an outfit from Bahia and an exotic hat decorated with tropical fruits. In her Broadway performances, Carmen sang Brazilian songs for the American audience. Songs such as “Mamãe eu Quero”, “Tico-tico no Fubá" and "O Que É Que a Baiana Tem?” Carmen’s success on Broadway caught Hollywood’s attention and in the 1940s and ’50s she made 14 films.
The Brazilian Bombshell
The Pequena Notável was born in a small Portuguese town on February 9th 1909 and moved toBrazil when she was just ten months old. In the 1930s Carmen Miranda achieved success singing in the famous Cassino da Urca, in Rio de Janeiro. She won over Brazil singing songs written by the great songwriters of the time. On some occasions, Carmen formed a duo with her sister, Aurora. In1939 a major American businessman invited Carmen to sing in the USA. Carmen became famous the world over and made a lot of money, singing and acting. However, work damaged her health and onAugust 5th 1955 she had a heart attack and died at home in Beverly Hills. Her funeral, in Rio de Janeiro, was attended by a million people.
Matéria publicada na edição de fevereiro da Revista Maganews.
CD de Áudio – Voz: Alline de Paula
1 to show off – mostrar / exibir
2 she could barely – aqui = ela mal sabia
3 to win over – conquistar
4 to wear – usar / vestir
5 outfit – traje
6 hat – chapéu
7 to catch attention (past = caught) – chamar a atenção
8 bombshell – aqui = explosão
9 major – importante / influente
10 to invite – convidar
11 acting – trabalhar como atriz
12 attended – aqui = pessoas presentes
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