sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010

History 45 Years since the military coup in 1964

45 Years since the military coup in 1964 

Source: recomendo a assinatura para professores e alunos

Authoritarian regime lasted 21 years and was marked by political persecution, prison, torture and complete censorship of the Press

    In the first months of 1964 a lot of military people and somesectors of civil society believed that Brazil was going through great social and economic upheaval. They  criticized the then President João Goulart and thought that the government could “open the country’s doors to communism”.  The military people who were unsatisfied then began to get organized and strengthen themselves. They had the support of the rich business class and some sectors of Brazilian society and even had the sympathy of the American government.
    And so on 31st March 1964 they managed to seize power by force. João Goulart and various political leaders and public personalities have to flee the country. For many years the military government persecuted its opposition. Many people were arrested,  tortured and even killed and others had to live away from Brazil.

The consequences of the “leaden years”
      From 1974 on, the military government slowly reduced its authoritarianism. With the passing of the years, various sectors of society began to get together to demand the return to democracy. Finally in 1985 the military left power. The dictatorship had lasted 21 years and had left a lot of negative marks on Brazilian society, such as an enormous external and internal debt, increased social inequalities and a great loss of quality in public education. Up to today Brazilian society is paying for the errors committed during the “leaden years”.

Vocabulary  1 military coup – golpe militar
2 censorship – censura
3 press – imprensa
4 to go through – passar por
5 upheaval – desordens
6 to seize – agarrar / tomar
7 to flee – fugir
8 opposition – oposição (no texto está no sentido de “todos os opositores”)
9 to arrest – prender      

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