quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010

What chunk of the language meaning?

Today, I decided to talk about of an important tool for English Learners known as Chunck of the Language. It's a natural resouce used for Natives, however according to the passing by, you are going to get it. Chunk of the Language is a technique, you cannot think in your mother tongue for speak, that is, in particular for beginners is really difficult, e.g Brazilians usually thinks in your mother tongue, it is really difficult, however no more than 1 year little, by little you are going to get fluence and getting naturally speaking as Native Learners. Well, I recommend you visit the website http://www.teclasap.com.br and search for Chunk of the language, Ulisses from Teclasap always aboarding and he can give you more details, or Denilso de Lima, he is an ESL Brazillian teacher and a blogger http://www.denilsodelima.blogspot.com Have a nice day all and don't forget to give money and supporting for Zacharias fundraising. 

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