quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010

The Secret, Rhonda Byrne

Source: www.speakup.com.br, ed. 260 pags, 6-7

Language Level: Basic
Standard Accent: British

Rhonda Byrne is talking to YOU. She wants to tell you a secret. But she isn’t whispering, she’s shouting out her message with joy. She wants everyone to know about the Law of Attraction -  the most powerful law of the universe.

Thanks to Rhonda, thousands of people throughout the world use this secret every day. Have you read the book or seen her documentary? They are both called The Secret.


In  2004 Byrne, an Australian film producer, hit a crisis in her life: her father, died suddenly and she had a breakdown. Her daughter gave her a book, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace d. Wattles (1910), which talked about the Law of Attraction. Byrne then discovered the origins of this “universal law” how the world’s greatest minds – Plato, Galileo and Einstein – had used it, and how it was hidden from people.


She asked her team to help her explain the Law of Attraction in the Secret. This documentary explains how you can obtain anything you want. First, decide what it is, visualize it in your mind, and imagine that it’s already yours. The universe will then reorganize itself and give it to you. All you have to do is ask and wait. Simple. Did she ever doubt the success of the film? “Of course not”, she replies, “we visualized incredible success throughout the world, and that’s was happened!”


Indeed, it has! The film and subsequent book have sold millions of copies with the help of prestigious patrons such as American TV personality Oprah Winfrey. Time magazine named Rhonda one of the world’s 100 most influential people. Rhonda does have critics: some people disapprove of The Secret’s focus on material possessions. They also warn that its claims to cure diseases, such as breast cancer, without traditional medicine, may be fatal. Yet most people agree on one thing: the Law of Attraction does work…sometimes.


She isn’t whispering:     Não está sussurando.
She’s shouting out:         Ela está gritando.
Film Producer:                  Produtora cinematográfica.
Hit a Crisis:                        Entrou em crise.
Suddenly:                           Profundamente.
Breakdown:                       Colápso.
Hidden:                               Guardado em segredo, escondido.
Throughout the world:   Em toda parte do mundo.
Indeed, it has!                   E aconteceu mesmo!
Patron:                                 Patronos, patrocinadores.
Warn                                    Advertem.
Diseases                            Doenças.
Breast Cancer:                Câncer de Mama.

Um comentário:

Lynne Walker disse...

I'm following your blog now--mine is http://travelingtostrangeislands.blogspot.com/