domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010

On stage with Gilberto Gil

Special Interview
On stage with Gilberto Gil
He always attracts large audiences wherever he plays in the world. At the end of May Gil was in São José dos Campos-SP  and Maganews chatted to him on the stage, just before the show began

Gilberto Gil is happy, in a good mood, and in fine trim. In 2008 he left his post as Minister of Culture and began a tour to showcase his new album, “Banda Larga Cordel” – and also to play his older hits. Maganews watched him rehearse with his band, just a few hours before he began his gig at SESC in São José dos Campos.  The rehearsal lasted about an hour and a half.  Gil stood up throughout, singing and playing without stopping. When the rehearsal was over, he could have had a rest for a while before the two-hour gig started. But Gil remained on his feet up on the stage to talk to a group of journalists. Gil showed no signs of being tired. On June 26th he will be 67 years old, but he seems to have the vitality of a 30-year-old. Maganews asked him two questions:

Maganews – You have written some of the biggest hits in MPB, played shows all over the world, won a Grammy, been privileged to play a gig at the UN and you have even been a Minister. What is left for you to achieve?

Gilberto Gil – I don’t think there is anything left.

Maganews – Don’t you have any more dreams to fulfill?

Gilberto Gil – My dream has always been to live well. I have never been ambitious. I just had ambitions to do good work in music. All I want is to keep on working in this area. Music is my greatest muse. It inspires me. I don’t want to be a politician. I don’t want to be number one. Why being number one? I don’t want to be a formula one driver. As long as I have my voice and energy, I will keep on singing, writing and playing.

Áudio - Michelle Robinson and Thiago Santos Ribeiro
(Obs - Gil concedeu a entrevista para Maganews, em cima do palco, mas em português. No estúdio, o professor Thiago "interpretou", em inglês, a fala de Gil)

Leia a matéria completa sobre Gilberto Gil (incluindo sua trajetória em quatro décadas de carreira) na edição de junho da revista Maganews.
Foto –  Divulgação

Outros áudios (em inglês) do CD que acompanha a edição de junho da revista Maganews:

Maísa:  ups and downs on TV (Michelle Robinson)
Maísa: too much too soon? (Thiago Ribeiro)
Susan Boyle:  a lesson in life (Michelle Robinson)
The world watches South Africa (Thiago Ribeiro)
South Africa – safaris and outstanding natural beauty (Thiago Ribeiro)
First the Moon, then Mars! (Michelle)
Man on the Moon: 40 years on (Thiago)
A brief history of the space race (Michelle)
Ice Age 3 – Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Michelle)
Carrots: healthy options (Thiago)
Excess soda intake harms your health (Michelle)
Children’s book tells the Chico Mendes story (Thiago)
Music - The Pussycat Dolls on a roll (Michelle)
Television – “A Fazenda”: Hard life in the country  (Michelle)
Jokes – (Michelle e Thiago)


1 stage – palco
2 wherever – em qualquer lugar
3 to play – tocar (gig = show)
4 chatted (from the verb to chat) – conversou
5 just before – pouco antes
6 good mood – bom-humor
7 fine trim – ótima forma
8 to rehearse – ensaiar / “passar o som”
9 stood up – ficou em pé (to stand up = ficar em pé)
10 rest for a while – descansar um pouco
11 to remain on his feet up – permanecer em pé
12 no signs of being tired – nenhum sinal de cansaço
13 UN – ONU
14 what is left – o que falta
15 dreams to fulfill – sonhos a conquistar
16 as long as I have – enquanto eu tiver
17 to keep on – continuar / prosseguir

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