segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010

Let's do it

Last month we discovered that we must often maked do, i.e survived with what we have: this month we take a look at "do" on its own, Let's hope we don't overdo it - that means to exagerate.

 It seems simple enough: we do things, right? we do researchwe do housework; we do a job. In fact "do" is implicity linked to jobs, so the question "What do you do? Means What's your job? 
We can make a list of dos and don'ts: things we should do and things we shouldn't do. We should do our best, and we should do our duty. But we shouldn't do away with someone, or do someone in- both means to murder someone. If you kill someone, you may do time - that is spend some years in prison. You shouldn't do someone either; that means to deceive them, or to beat them up. We shouldn't do (or take) drugs, of course.
Women do their facesthey put on their make up and do their nailsIf they're going to a big do, an important party or meeting, they'll need to get their hair done at the hairdressers and perhaps choose a new hairdo, a new hair style.

Why do English people greet each other by repeating the phrase " How do you do? Well, British chickens, or more precisely, cocks, "Cock-a-doodle-do!" There's an unmistakable similarity in the sound, and curiously, both phrases are equally meningless. Unfortunately, the wonderful theory that Englishmen learnt to speak from chickens is incorrect: " How do you do?" was the 17th century equivalent of today's "How are you?

i.e, isto é (do latim id est). 
On its own- por si só.
We do research- nos fazemos pesquisas.
We do housework- nós fazemos trabalhos de casa, tarefas domésticas.
Linked- ligado.
Do our best- Fazer o nosso melhor.
Do our duty- Cumprir com nosso dever.
To murder- Assassinar.
To deceive them- Enganá-los.
To beat them up- Espancá-los.
Make up- Maquiagem
Nails- Unhas
Get their hair done at the hairdressers- Fazer seus penteados nos salões de beleza.
Chickens- galos (machos e fêmeas).
Cocks- galos. (Inglês americano, no Britânico rooster, não pega bem usar cock, tem o sentido perjorativo da genitália masculina).
Unmistakable- inconfundível.
Meaningless- Sem sentido.

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