terça-feira, 3 de agosto de 2010

If....a beautiful lyric song

 by Diamondjw originally posted by 
Level: intermediate
Age: +12
Listen to the version by the famous vocalist Sissel. It is amazing!

If a picture  a thousand words,
Then why  I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've  to know.
If a face could  a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There's no one home  you,
You're all that's  me too.
And when my love for life is running ,
You come and  yourself on me.

If a girl (original: a man) could be two places at one time,
I'd be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the .
If the world should stop revolving slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you.
And when the world was ,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply  away

Now it is time to have a look of the original version by Bread

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