quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Osteoporosis – Part II

Osteoporosis – Part II  audio     www.inglesvip.xpg.com.br

1. The National Osteoporosis Foundation has advised several steps toward the algo of healthy bones. Its experts say get enough calcium and vitamin D. The experts say do not smoke or drink too much alcohol. Talk to your healthcare provider about bone health and a possible bone mineral density test.

2. The NOF's guide for healthcare providers says people over fifty should get one thousand two hundred milligrams of calcium every day. The guide also says this age group should get eight hundred to one thousand International Units of Vitamin D. It says Vitamin D-Two and Vitamin D-Three are both good for bones.

3. Milk and milk products contain calcium. So do fish with soft bones, like salmon, and dark green leafy vegetables. Some orange juice, bread and cereals may have calcium added.

4. Some people also take pills containing calcium. But be careful about how much calcium you take. You should not have more than two thousand five hundred milligrams a day. That total includes calcium from food and all other sources. Too much calcium can cause problems like kidney stones.

5. Vitamin D absorbs, or takes up, calcium. Fish, cereal and milk are good sources of Vitamin D. If you spend at least fifteen minutes a day in the sun without a product to block the sun's radiation, you probably get enough Vitamin D.

6. Several kinds of drugs treat osteoporosis. America's Mayo Clinic medical centers say bisphosphonates are the most popular. Fosamax, Actonel and Boniva are products of this family of drugs.

7. The Mayo Clinic advises that these drugs are very effective and appear safe for most people if taken as directed. Fosamax has been sold for at least ten years. Other drugs proven effective for osteoporosis are hormones and parathyroid hormone.

8. Doctors who treat osteoporosis patients say physical exercise can help the bones. For active people, lifting weights or playing tennis, slow running and dancing can be helpful.

9. Some older adults worry about exercising. They believe they could hurt themselves. The Mayo Clinic says that could be true if they have not exercised in the past. It says people who have not been active in the past need a doctor's advice before starting.

10. Some people who are afraid of exercise worry about its effects on their joints, especially the knees. They are afraid exercise might cause osteoarthritis, a condition in which connective tissue around the bones wears down. A study in The Netherlands found that could be true. Results of the study were reported
recently in the publication "Arthritis Care and Research."

11. Researchers studied one thousand six hundred seventy eight people over a period of twelve years. The subjects were between fifty-five and eighty-five years old. The results linked knee osteoarthritis to high mechanical strain  activities that are hard on joints.

12. But another study found that regular exercise does not harm joints. Those findings were reported in "The Journal of Anatomy." Scientists from Germany and the United States considered earlier research on the effect of exercise on joints. They did not find a link between regular exercise and knee osteoarthritis.

13. If you are still worried about exercise for osteoporosis, why not go for a walk? But you have to do it correctly. The Mayo Clinic says hold your head highStraighten your back and neck as much as possible. Tighten the chest muscles. As you move along, let your shoulders and arms move freely and naturally.

14. Walking places the full weight of your body on your bones. It also has other good effects. It raises the levels of chemicals in the brain known as endorphins. They reduce pain and make you feel happier.


  1. has advised = tem aconselhado
  2. toward = em direção a
  3. goal = objetivo
  4. enough = suficiente
  5. healthcare = assistência médica
  6. guide = guia
  7. should = deveriam
  8. age group = faixa etária
  9. take pills = tomam comprimidos
  10. be careful = tome cuidado
  11. sources = fonts
  12. kidney = rim
  13. stones = pedras
  14. spend = gastar
  15. at least = pelo menos
  16. without = sem
  17. kinds of drugs = tipos de remedies
  18. safe = seguro
  19. lifting weights = levantar pesos
  20. slow running = corrida lenta
  21. worry about = preocupar-se com
  22. hurt = machucar
  23. could be true = poderia ser verdade
  24. afraid of = com medo de
  25. joints = juntas
  1. knees = joelhos
  2. wears down = desgasta-se
  3. Netherlands = Holanda
  4. Researchers = pesquisadores
  5. subjects = sujeitos (pessoas)
  6. linked = vincularam
  7. strain = tensão
  8. harm = prejudicar
  9. earlier = anteriores
  10. still = ainda
  11. go for a walk = dar uma caminhada
  12. hold your head high = mantenha sua cabeça alta
  13. Straighten = endireitar
  14. back = costas
  15. neck = pescoço
  16. Tighten = apertar
  17. chest = peito
  18. shoulders = ombros
  19. places = coloca
  20. weight = peso
  21. raises = eleva
  22. levels = níveis
  23. brain = cérebro
  24. pain = dor

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