sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2010

Cabagge Salad (COLE SLAW)

Receitas Traduzidas: COLE SLAW

Posted by Virginia Klie
COLE SLAW (Cabbage Salad)
The origin of Cole Slaw is Dutch and was known in the United States as early as 1792.
  • cole_slaw1 cup mayonnaise
  • 4 scallions, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon tomato catsup
  • a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 teaspoons vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • a pinch of pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 6 cups shredded cabbage
  • 1 grated carrot
  • 1 green pepper, finely diced
* Combine the first 8 ingredients and mix well. In a large serving bowl, toss the salad. Add the dressing and mix. Serves 6 or more.
Variation: Three cups of shredded lettuce can substitute three cups of the cabbage.
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COLE SLAW (Salada de Repolho)
A origem do Cole Slaw é holandesa. Ele é conhecido nos Estados Unidos desde 1792.
  • 1 xícara de maionese
  • 4 folhas de cebolinha picada
  • 1 colher de sopa de catchup
  • algumas gotas de molho inglês
  • 2 colheres de chá de vinagre
  • 1/4 colher de chá de sal
  • uma pitada de pimenta-do-reino
  • 1/4 colher de chá de açúcar
  • 6 xícaras de repolho picado
  • 1 cenoura ralada
  • 1 pimentão bem picado
* Junte a maionese, o catchup, a cebolinha, o vinagre, o molho inglês, o sal, a pimenta e o açúcar e misture bem. Numa saladeira funda, misture a salada revirando-a com duas colheres. Acrescente o molho e misture. Rende 6 ou mais porções.
Variação: Pode-se substituir a metade da porção de repolho picado por alface picada.
Referência: “Not Just Hamburgers! Aprenda inglês com as melhores receitas da cozinha americana” de Virginia Klie, Disal Editora, 2003. Leia a resenha. Compre seu exemplar na Disal.

2 comentários:

UFT - Letters disse...

Hi, dear friend! How are you?
Thanks for visiting us.
So, let me tell you a little bit about my work. Some time ago, I was looking for some sites (specially blogs) which could help me improve my English. So, I found you and I liked your blog since the first post I read from it. After that, I decided to follow you.
As you know, I work at UFT as a teacher of English. I am starting to develop a project. It is about the use of blogs to learn/improve English language. So, I created the blog to develop my project. After presenting a brief about blog, I suggested to students to visit some blogs and, the first one was yours. They liked it very much.
So, I think and I hope sincerely, your blog be very visited by my students.
I always visit your blog, as you can see. But, not always I leave any comment because of the time. I'm sorry.
So, thanks for everything. Thanks for share with us your knowledge and for being so kind with us.
Bye and have a nice weekend!!!

Teacher Rejane, UFT-Araguaína, Tocantins.

Damiao disse...

You are always welcome to visit here and you were the first one and believe on my webblog, so, even, originally I'm not a teacher, but we really share the same ideas, many thanks for everything and to spread my blog for your students, carry on, teacher develop a great job.